Inspirations: Archives

Begin The Begine

With the  Autumn Equinox shifting the seasons, and other profoundly energizing forces at play, including Mercury’s forward motion, Venus in Scorpio, and a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, the legitimate  launch of dailybreathjournal is at last lovingly present and accounted for. Like all else that is changing and re-birthing, Daily Breath was developed from a past that seems of another time, though it was only in 2004 that the first ‘Breaths’ appeared.  The website opened in 2007, beautifully executed, as is this incarnation, by DMYStudio. This third rebirth is the present answer to a future that calls us to synthesize past knowledge and learning, to understand the energies and transitions weaving life together.  The ever increasing speed, the demand to produce more with less ask awareness of  energetic forces, visible and invisible.  We are learning to use these links and layers, along with new muscle required for surrendering to the flow. If I were to create a mudra for the website, (Mudra is a physical symbol of hand gestures, evoking emotion, healing, and understanding,) it would be of hands cupped open, lifted to heart level. This cup holds my experience and knowledge, mixed with the gifts of your ideas and responses. Let your cup  fill and then lift it up and let it pour  over you,  for this cup-mudra nourishes and replenishes us with the wit and the wonder of our interconnectedness  as we co-create  DailyBreathJournal;  a seed-pod touching worlds mind’s away. Energetic Forces Asana: Mayurasana/Peacock.  Not to be confused with Pincha Mayurasana/Tail feathers of the Peacock.  This is a down and dirty pose, requiring as much trial, error and re-do as the Pincha, as a good Daily Breath.  What is it about these graceful Birds that demand we grow power and  resilience through arm, legs and back? Ideas anyone? This Mayurasana begins… Read more »

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