Inspirations: Archives

Heaven’s Pentimento

When a momentous event grabs the scruff of our necks and without warning, hurls us into new space, quite often unbidden thoughts, sounds, and visions laminate themselves in a collage from the past.  These overlays, formed from un-processed, precious, and often seemingly non-essential childhood memories, fast forward into full view when emotions are stirred.  At these times we can no longer keep the lid down. Bottom layers are up-ended, and this disturbance allows years of bleed-through to become visible, One can only deal with three to four major emotional issues in a life , so the same ones are cut, poked and exacerbated over and over, with only the form changing, not the wound’s essential energy.  We all tend to bury pain.  This makes a treasure trove of angst, regret, fear, and sorrow that waits until defenses are down. The times are ripe for revelation.  The planetary kingdom is demanding change, and true change only comes from the inside-out. Wounding-gifts that form our fine paintings seek new definition, and  revelation, We are lucky when opportunity knocks, hard knocks to be sure, but this allow us see original lines drawn under old paint, The transparency of age allows vision of the pentimento, the layers of what we have repented, and re-painted over the jagged edges and dodgy outlines of the childhood.  Are these visions not steps toward heaven? Energetic Forces Asana: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana-Bridge Pose. Lying on the back, bend knees, bringing feet in parallel, and as close to buttocks as possible. On exhale press feet down and curl tailbone up, lifting lower, then upper back off floor.  Keep thighs parallel and lengthen knees away from hips, lift pubis toward navel.  Clasp hands under back, bringing shoulders closer together.  Keep weight off the neck.  As you advance in this pose, try to release… Read more »

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