Repeating something the second or third time around can be maddening. It can also be gratifying if you note change, and growth. Repetition also offers moments for choice full response. This is often not true the first time we go through something. Many of us don’t know what to expect, or can calculate any yardstick of accomplishment. For those of you who are wizards first time out, stop reading here. Having been frustrated by a slow learning process, having to re-read, re-assess, and being more comfortable backwards than forward, I am a mistress at repetition. Fortunately, I’m learning not to beat myself on processing life this way. Yes, it is frustrating, yes, it takes more time and energy, yes, one all too easily feels dumb, But on most occasions I’ve learned to elevate my POV from that bruisingly low level of “you idiot!” “to try it again another way.” Always there are gifts in balancing the negative. We simply need to stand higher on the mountain and see the other side. Doing and hearing something the second, third, and forth time around allow me to make it truly mine. Once I have gone through it backwards, I own it. I become very clear when something is simply an opinion, or whether it has true merit. I am the person you want in your lifeboat when you are in deep trouble. Like many who struggle, if it has not ground us down, it has made us durable. Chaos does not throw me, having lived with it, even created much of it, I know where pigs shit, and I know the waterline that must be bailed. These are gifts of doing and re-doing, of coming in last, and turning impatience toward patience Every demerit has nuggets of gold, every fault a talent,… Read more »
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