One of my great teachers, Daniel Orlansky, quoted another great teacher, Osho, and I was reminded of my first great teacher, Helen. They have all said or demonstrated the same profound rule in different ways, but when something is completely true, it is true for all time and in all circumstances. This is one of the few times you can write, ‘always.’ Osho’s first rule of his ‘non-commandments’ was, “Never obey anyone’s command unless it is coming from within you also.” It’s right up there with, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Good and great for all time. There are few commands which remain immutable, whatever the circumstance or age. What grows interesting is how we choose to hear, and use the wisdom of the iconic. We change and hopefully how we hear and use the tried and true, changes. When first hearing the first rule; do not surrender, never obey, unless it comes from deep inside Self, I thought well that’s easy. I don’t like anyone telling me what to do anyway. Many years later upon hearing this, I recognize the inner layers that must be attended and heard in order to know if it is coming from within me. Am I mirroring someone else? Am I reacting in rebellion? Am I taking the easy way out, sliding along with the group? What is my true voice in this moment? Where is my courage to stand up for that voice? I also question the synchronicity of when old and loved things in our life re-appear. Is it by happenstance? Or is there some personal wisdom needed at this time by this seemingly random event? The age-old question of fate or accident meet to be met only in my choosing. In case you have not seen Osho’s list of ‘non-commandments’ here… Read more »
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