Inspirations: Archives

Mysteries of Relationship

Last week the Breath was about karmic relationships, today- it’s physical relationships… of the body-type, and how we perceive those relationships among this/that/these & those. Body parts reverberate to one another in much the same way we vibrate personally to one another. Not only is the body in constant re-balancing left to right, but it correlates and adjusts diagonally across, as well as up and down. How we stand affects how we think. How we twist correlates to how we digest. How we backbend affects not only spine, therefore nervous system, but point of view, lung capacity, and the courageous configuration of the heart. Movement affects the shape of who we are, and particularly Asana re-works not only physical form, but emotional and mental shapes as well. “When we are stuck in our shapes, we are stuck in our energetic matrix.”* The breath is another body, subtle but powerful, and when the breathing/Pranayama body can’t change, it affects the many subtle layers of mind, emotion, and physical. The more consciously we are able to connect and strengthen these multiplicity of relationships, within and without, the more profound life becomes. What holds a body together? What makes these millions of relationships possible? Prana/energy. In the body, fascia is the pranic force, for it holds the form of individual muscles and bones; 72,000 silken threads connect tissue to subtle body matter such as nadis, nerves, and energy lines. When life becomes too overwhelming, when we are drowning fears from loss of control, changing just one thing offers solutions. It is the crack that lets in the light. Starting with the body is do-able. It’s like putting on a great outfit, it gives gumption to move into the overwhelm, not run from it. How are you sitting right now? Is the head forward… Read more »

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