At the revolutionary beginning of America, Benjamin Franklin said, “We must all hang together now, or we shall most certainly hang separately.” In this Last Breath of 2011 I’ll echo Ben’s advice, ‘be your own best revolutionary.’ We must be the source of our inspiration, and our happiness. We can’t roll over hoping for our resurrection to simply happen. Time to not be the bystander, but to show up with a whole heart. How? Yoga is the art of being totally present. It gives touchstones of alignment, intention, and space to release old beliefs and emotions. It offers a multi-layered technique that brings enough safety for us to stand strong in the moment. When we inhale and exhale to the rhythm of our heart -we are freed to grow naked, porous, and intimate. In returning time and again to the Practice of being present, we relinquish old structures that offered false security. We love our security. It’s hard to pry sticky fingers off what and who kept us safe in the past. We cling to the sugar in life, to home, to the sweetness of known habits, and ritual. Nothing wrong in that until those well worn grooves become prisons, holding back the resurrection, the regeneration and revolution. If we cannot bring down our own inner dictators, suffocating our will to change, we cannot wend a way through this turbulent decade. A Yoga Practice gives us resolve to step out of old, comfy, well-worn by-standing slippers. We begin to see that our individual contributions are mandates of, and for the highest good. We don’t need to ‘roll away the stone’ to resurrect, it’s within this inhale and exhale. This breath grows the revolution for our resurrection. Seasonal Energies Astrology Notes: There is a great opportunity now, between the New Moon… Read more »
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Last Breath
Posting the last Breathe of 2014, waving farewell to 12 months of living, leaning back before plunging in, time to ask, “What have I learned? What was the cost in life-energy? Was it energy well spent?” Dealing with these twisty times takes its toll. It teaches and refines our vocabulary. It offers un-expected solace, redemption, and gifts, along with the hard-scrabble lessons and loss. It is all about balance, the act of mitigating and refining the actions and point of view between: ambition and disappointment; memory and beginnings; rest and willfulness; honesty and charm; despair and anger; solitude and friendship; vulnerability and strength…to name a few. Before we can balance, we must see. We must be able to perceive without judgment exactly what is. If we see every wounding as a fatal flaw from which we cannot escape, then we cannot. We remain twisted, unable to straighten up and fly right. Our lives take place as our viewpoint dictates. Unfortunately, most of this view is buried deep within unconscious waters. It may be that some of the great work of the New Year is to clear away old POV’s. Releasing our contortions requires the gristle of honest appraisal, a dedicated daily bone-stacking of step by step forgiveness, and a robust heart for self-acceptance. Without these practices, despair immobilizes the body. Life energy is spent. Once we perceive the tortured twists and cracks, light enters. Leonard Cohen got that right! There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.
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