The reason the world is round is it keeps us from looking too far down the road. Another reason is that- roundness is symbolic of a mandala, a magical circle. Roundness delineates birth. It is the womb. The inmost shrine of an Indian temple is called a garbha, the womb. The center of a mandala, the Bindi, Sanskrit for ‘a drop,’ can be a symbol for the Third Eye, the ajna, seat of profound wisdom. If and when we sit in the center of our being, still and listening, we are in the center of our Universe, connected to circles within circles, an evolving mandala in our own right. Our roundness retains energy and concentration. We grow inward-toward a deeper reality, aligning spokes from the center to greater harmony with nature, with the Universe. We react less, respond more. Being roly-poly, we have fewer jagged edges. Like the Uroboros, a great dragon formed out of the formless void, who bites its own tail to create the first circle; the first separation between dark chaos and light, we bring life into greater order when we have patterns, especially round patterns. We have polarities. We have cycles. We have us and them, this and that, here and there. When we are able to perceive cycles, and designs- to what appears meaningless and out of control, we breathe more deeply. We settle into Self. Simply sitting and taking time to draw a circle with a bindi draws the eye in, the body toward calmness and reason. The innate harmony that arises in adding color and beautiful pattern to the circle frees the mind from monkey yammering. We tend to organize feeling and thought around the mysterious. Life and death, spirit and significance take up more time. To our roundness we add weight, gravitas…. Read more »
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