We do not honor our great Mother. We do not look to her future. We do not listen to her needs. We only pay attention when she is really pissed off and blows a volcano, tosses a tsunami, or hurricane our way. We do not offer sacrifices and bow in celebration every day, as she justly deserves. If she were our child, instead of our mother, she would be dead. Being human means we are a strange lot, capable of inordinate greatness, and debilitating carelessness within the same body, within the same breath. If there is an oxymoronic way of being, humanity is it. When consciousness comes through the heart there is little we cannot do superbly. But most of us move unconsciously, having no idea of consequences, except to self. Our parameter of awareness moves out to a six foot circumference at best. Beyond that lies uncharted territory, areas we think we are not responsible to, or for. Imagine we are lucky enough to receive an earth-incarnation. Imagine it is the most magical place of choice in a vast Universe, filled with varieties of incarnations. On Venus you take life as a rose. On Mars, we are androids. With a Plutonian life, one is a serpent. And no, you are not downgraded. With each of these choices come gifts, and detriments. On earth, we receive lessons. It is a short-lived home for souls who wish to learn and grow from mistakes, confusion, and pain, and our great mother has agreed to suffer the consequences of our learning. If we could but pick up the tempo of our lessons, along with the speed of technologies, we might grow consciousness exponentially. Our ears might hear Gaia’s SOS. We might make every morning a dedication to her well-being, if only to save… Read more »
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