Green pears rolled on gold cloth Warm pecans startled against cold marble Julienned ginger scenting the room. God is in the details Never more so than now. Absorb everything. Stand Your Mat/Listen to Heaven There is a saying: ‘Fill your eyes- fill your heart.’ It is the Yogi repeating, ‘be present.’ In this season of gratitude, let your eye seek the one needing love, then love them for no other reason than they are as beautiful as the green pears. The gift of the witness is to bear witness. The gift received is being seen. Astrological Notes Remember we are between eclipses, so not only is it a shake-up, shifting time, but eclipses move us to clearing old closets, of every sort, and re-aligning our ideas about projects and relationships. This energy, along with a Mercury still retrograde until the end of the month, offers a Thanksgiving week serving inner journeys, especially if we are once again with family…that old hunting ground of turbulence and chaos. Sun & Moon enter the first quarter square, putting the focus on Venus, again- relationships, value, and money…another abundant area ripe for review. Venus is about to move into Scorpio, where Saturn has been holding sway. This will take us more personally into the deeper, read hidden waters of old wounds. With luck, Venus may show us another way through difficult, transformative emotion toward bigger, better understanding of who we can be.
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