Hands are magical instruments; multi faceted, powerful, tender, destructive. They can be gnarly, spatulate, pudgy, delicate. The fingers, as emissaries, touch the world, bringing back thousands of impressions full of information. Brains are activated and trained by working with fingertips, especially during childhood. Hands and feet possess abundant nerve supplies which light up large areas of the brain. Every finger has its own life, it’s energy of giving and receiving, its particular ability, or quality. Areas of the palm, as well as fingers, relate to planetary energies, to meridians and body parts, to chakras, to the five elements, and states of being. Acupressure and Acupuncture use points on the fingers and hand to stimulate healing through different areas of the entire body. There are also reflex zones, and marma points that are stimulated for healing. The art of palmistry is not magical, rather it is knowledge of multiple levels of energy revealed in a hand. Using fingers to form hasta/hand mudras reveals yet another layer of information. Mudras, like Bandhas, are locks, and locks conceal secrets. Each mudra intends to connect to the divine, to cosmic consciousness, which is one of the primary goals of Yoga. Through the mystery of mudra, hands reveal our longing to connect, not only by touch, but by the shape of a mudra. When practicing mudras, the brain is lit from conscious and un-conscious information housed in the fingertips. With intention and practice, mudras can change character traits, create healing, bring serenity, and offer awareness. There are 25 essential mudras, and many others that have been added along the way. You can make up one, once you know the energies in each finger. Simply by rubbing or pressing the fingers, you awaken dormant energies within. Next time you reach out and touch someone, or grab… Read more »
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