Endings and beginnings beg urgency, inspiration, and dedication. The closing weeks of a year prevail upon the body to release what was, and turn inevitably toward the unknown. This tipping point ~ between known and un-known, asks we seek ways and means to sustain, reflect, and visualize in order to tie loose ends into beautiful new bows. The assimilation and straddling necessary to close down a cycle and begin anew, be it a birthday, a job, the ending of love, a year, a life require Janus, the Roman god of gates and doors, to be present.
Janus, called the two-faced god, one face to the past, the other forward, ruled all beginnings, including the first hour of the day, the calends of the month, and the first month of the year. Every beginning needs hope and desire, but un-consciously new intentions are riddled and layered with ghosts of the past. Be it a new love who carries the wounds of the last bad go around, or a new year whose plans are often formulated from regrets of what we could not be, or change. The closure of another year carries conscious, and largely unconscious emotional weight from the folly of our shadowy-lineage. This confuses issues turning toward a future of light-bright expectancy.
Personally, fall inevitably fills me with longing, and a deep sense of aloneness in part because Janus energies face off within. ‘Face off’ is the wrong polarity. Janus seems to work more accurately in assimilating and assuming creatively, rather than the polarity of balancing see-saw style. The closing down and opening of a cycle can formulate profound visionary mediums when futuristic adventures are pragmatically worked from experience of the past. Some people do this naturally, being born with a dial that quivers constantly with enigmatic fractals of change. Notice their innate style encompassing unknown material, while digesting the old. They are often highly creative, finding surprising solutions and answers from ‘Janusian-quivering.’ They can also be madly confusing and chaotic, and addictive.
Are you more like me than I suspect? Does simply being human create these conundrums? Perhaps I have not bulked up enough courage-muscle to resolutely face who, and how I have grown? Do you, like me, feel limits the coerced you into acquiescing, and boundaries you allowed to hold you back? Have we learned to embrace greater risk? Have we learned to accept our greater light? In this Janus-time of finality~ and birth, may we expand awareness to assimilate loss with hope, anxiety with peace, chaos with creativity.
A backward Janusian face-off.

*I am indebted to Michele Adler and her article in Mountain Astrologer; “29th Degree~Three Sides of An Enigma.”
NOTES: Please read the attachment from our Becky Thompson. It is her plea for the refugees, and her personal mission~ needing our support. There will be a Basket of Grace on the table in all upcoming classes to receive coin of the realm. I will be the go-between making sure all cash/checks get to her personally. Thank you in advance for your always generous hearts.
Saturday Classes 11/14 will be in the big room on main floor~ 8:30 & 10 AM Hallejuelia!
Winter Solstice arrives Dec. 19 Chez Camerons. Save the date! Shake out your glitterati –golden finery.