Sept 29-Oct. 8


“Move from the deep knowing within you.”

Wisdom Body notes Sept. 29-Oct. 8 by Samantha Cameron

If you can feel into the long dancer’s stretch, (view below). the stamina it takes to look serene and grounded, and the power required to hold that elongation then you have an energetic understanding of energies expanding the incoming new Moon Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra, Oct. 2nd.  As you know, Eclipses are here to clean out our closets, and move us into new territory with lighter, wider vision.  New Moon, or Solar eclipses, are known to open unknown thresholds, inviting us to lift our legs into higher onward-leaps…hence, the deep stretching and grounding required before lift-off.  Back in March, we began the 2024 Eclipse season with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra, and now return to close out this crazy year with the same energy.  Can you guess at what might be one of the big themes of ’24?

Libra, ruled by lovely Venus, is an energy of relationships, of balancing the scales in all our do-be-do-be-do’s.  How is your partnership with Self?  How are boundaries, and constructs of the heart?  Have you cared for your value and self-worth, offering the same to others?  Has your relationship with money been an issue?  Have you affected needed changes on what is owed, and what is earned?  What is your Libran-Harvest from these past six months?  In the spring did you plant nourishing seeds calling in greater opportunity?  Have you grown consciously aware of building better strategies to keep life on an even keel?  If you have, then please send them to me! As this Solar Eclipse opens October, let us ask for incoming clarity to manage the re-do confusion; greater stability in dealing with change, and a more robust heart to gently hold loss and sorrow. 

Looking back over the mayhem of this year, with the long 20-20 hindsight vision, I see that the important muscle I have grown has come from lessons through difficulties and disappointments.  One of a number of eclipse gifts is the mental clarity rising from the closet being cleaned out, tough as it might be.   In this case the relationship/financial/partnering/self worth themes.  Lately, we’ve had numerous opportunities to realign and revamp Libran/Aires territory~that of Self and Other:  4/20/23 Aires Solar Eclipse. 10/14/23 Libra Solar Eclipse, 3/25/24 Libra Full Moon Eclipse. 4/8/24 Aires Solar Eclipse.  With one more to come 3/14/25.  If you come to understand just what needs overhauling, prioritizing, releasing, and diving into then the eclipse has been successful.  We move on to support the transformation of old world leaders relinquishing their toxic hold.  If you wish more Eclipse information go here:                           

The warrior planet, Mars, is potent within this eclipse energy which adds greater intensity and force in dealing with relationships.  Consider transforming some of your fighting warrior energy into being a spiritual warrior…..far more powerful than the warrior in bloody combat.  And we may not feel much like duking it out as our physical energy may feel zapped.  New Moons are always times of lower energy, greater darkness, and a slower inner focus.  They are wonderful monthly cycles reminding us to listen to our intuition, be in nature and rest.  With Mars passing through watery Cancer we may have greater help going within, instead of his usual fiery combust force.  Indeed, both Mars and Saturn are in watery fall, not able to fully express their usual demands.  Mars in the signature of the emotional Moon hampers

Mars and Saturn are both in watery signs where they are not able to fully express their planetary power. Mars is in Cancer where emotional sensitivity can hamper our ability to speak clearly or take direct action.  Our courage may be at a low ebb.  Think of the crab, Cancer’s signature animal, it only scuttles sideways.  This is exhausting when trying to be courageously-direct.  Saturn, which manifests as a grounded, earthy-being in charge is in creative, lost, spiritual Pisces where Saturn’s drive for high achievement is blurred in a muddy flow and lack of boundaries.  Briefly, there is a sympathetic trine between these two planets which may help focus desire with ambition if we use our ‘Emotional Intelligence.’ 

As we enter October, visions fill with gold and red hues as well as big planetary shifts changing the horizon.  First Jupiter turns Retrograde 10/9, followed immediately by Pluto turning direct 10/11.  If you don’t think this will be a tumultuous time, think again.  The Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd, and we end the month celebrating our ghosts at Samhain (pronounced ‘sowen’) on the 31st.  I will write about these energies in your next blog post.  Meanwhile, lean into the upcoming Eclipse New Moon to re-set your GPS, create new boundaries of loving support, and release dead material holding you back.  We all need our highest stepping, longest stretching, deepest diving Self to create the new dance toward 2025.

Thank you for following, subscribing and sharing my blog. Special gratitude to those supporting my work through booking consultations.  You inspire my life and writing. 💖   Samantha


NEW ASTROLOGIC OFFERINGS: Along with the natal deep dive, uncovering soulful aspirations of past/present/future, $150.00, or Solar Returns, $100, to examine and reveals plans for the birthday cycle around the Sun……New options of Cosmic-Bites now available for $50.00 each:

1. A lunar Return offers an expanded layering of ideas and consciousness to 28 days of time; This is the Moon’s cycle related specifically to you.

2. A psychologically cosmic deep dive into a specific question.

3. GIFT CERTIFICATES!  A reminder that an Astrologic Consultation is always a unique, and loving gift for friends and family.  When you purchase a natal consult as a gift, or you refer a client -I gift you with a free Lunar Return, or pondering a question.

“I consult from psychological, metaphysical perspectives, keeping the energetic information practical and useful to navigate as we deep dive into your life.”  Contact Samantha at ~or text  508-505-7700

“Your skill, wisdom and humor are such a gift! Thank you for my solar return and the pleasure of your company!”   Kate Stickley.       


For those who enjoy my writing, I joined Substack- a platform for writers~exploring themes of the wisdom body via the lens of Yoga, poetry, dance, cosmic influence and life experience. 

This is samantha’s Substack.


Classes are hybrid.  If you can’t make class, go to my youtube channel and partake:

contact Samantha for information & invitation:

Tuesdays 8:30 AM Pilates -core & stretch

Wednesdays 5:30 PM- ET  Vinyasa Yoga, mixed level

Saturdays 9AM-ET – Vinyasa Yoga, mixed level

FOR BIRTHDAY BODIES: You may feel inspired, wired and tired but you are preparing for a wider trajectory in the coming year.  This week has offered a high mental vibe, great for writers, communicators and idea-people.  As birthdays grow closer to Wednesday’s Eclipse, expect a year of big changes, especially in your relationship and financial arenas.  This may be a birthday to give yourself time to stop and ponder your life’s trajectory.  Does it hold the gifts of Venus that your wish for?  If not, this is the year to overhaul and fix.

            *Many joyous returns.  I bow and sing to your beautiful spirit! Call for a Solar Return deep dive to make greater sense of it all!  508-505-7700

A Sophia Circle invitation from Jacqueline Brodnitzki~”The world needs YOU—strong, grounded, clear, and living your purpose. This is not the time to play small! If you’re ready to stand in your power, live your highest expression, and use your heart, talents, and skills to create a radiant life.™  Begins October 21st. Learn more here.”

  • Consciously awaken through forming a direct connection with the Divine Mother
  • Balance your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine qualities to stand in your power and true wisdom
  • Activate your own personal Divine genome and circle of empowerment for daily support


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