Does the end justify the means? I used to think so. Now, seeing the means are the end, and the end simply another piece of the means… I don’t agree with the old quote. Looking back, each time I gave gravitas to ‘justifying the means,’ I was more careless and cruel, worse, I gave myself permission to be so because the end result was seemingly fabulous.
We are creating a new world. Old ways and mean-means cannot apply. We need new tools that help us rise above, move through, and embrace this frustrating, frightening, exciting, changeable Universe we are creating by thought, word, and deed….Indeed.
Perhaps we need to re-visit old and favored sayings?
“The devil is in the details.” So it is, but do we want it there?
“What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.” Is revenge that important?
“All is fair in love and war.” Only if the ends justify the means.
Before ‘throwing the baby out with the bath water,’ let’s hold on to the keepers:
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
“Fear always springs from ignorance.”
“Gratitude is the heart’s memory.”
If means and ends are one and the same, then ingrained/unconscious habits in thinking and speaking, outdate and drown us in the devil’s deep blue sea. Multi-tasking demands attention in every moment. Distractions tweet at every turn. Mindlessness is the sugary icing on every devil’s cake. As we are entering the Aquarian age, we must abide by its Uranian rulership: Energy is first, and thought-forms of that energy are the electromagnetic playing field. We are responsible for creating every heedless idea, word, and action of our ‘means,’ for they are the end…and the beginning.
Asana: Pick a pose where the means are the end, like Happy Baby. There’s no where to go but ‘there,’ There’s nothing to do but be happy, always a good end, an even better beginning.
Health Notes: Deciding to be happy is half the battle. Taking time-out to create the opportunity, is the other half. Ignore tweets, faces in space, emails to lie in the shade of a sheltering tree, open the body to possibility.
Astrology Notes: As of August 22nd we move into Virgo’s home ground, where becoming more precise, practical, and organized are major mantras. Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, thought-leader, articulate communicator, and definitely a co-ruler to consciousness. Here we leave Leo’s heart-centered ‘me-ness’ to ask others what they think? Are they tweeting? Is their face in space? What does it all mean?
Ayurvedic Notes: Heat imbalances of Pitta Dosha are often reflected in heartburn and sour acid stomachs Pitta body temperatures tend to be slightly elevated as they are often driven by ambition, and demands for excellence. In this they are much like Virgo’s. And like Virgo, they prefer a neat, well-organized home to help their wide-ranging intellects find peace and order Pitta imbalances and Virgo energies need to spend time in Happy Baby, resting in the sure knowledge that the means are the successful end result.
I often tell my boys that to step up to the podium and honestly accept our trophies we must first step up to life and accept our faults and failures. It is far more important to take ownership of our mistakes than our successes. That this brutal honesty with one’s self and one’s world is the true sign of a good man.
As always, thank you.