March 20 – 30, 2025


Spring stands at her threshold without objection Or larking second thought. Within chartreuse landscapes Pink buds push through old skin Where they have cocooned in liturgies of peace Embraced by cold grace

An equinoctial balance as day dissipates dark
In momentary side-by-side harmony, Sandwiched in Mysteries of Meta and material.
A soulful asylum of neither right nor wrong, Here, not there, first or last
Let us stop to honor Gaia’s pulsing extravagance  Before onward,
Before life, green with love, bursts old boundaries.

The Equinox, like the Solstice, are meta moments of higher harmony, beckoning our connection to Mother Earth and her place in the Cosmic firmament.  They are opportune shifts when we can replenish personal energies and set intentions to move into a new season, especially from winter dark to vibrant spring green. 

This year, oh lucky us, Ostara is wedged between the spring Eclipses, March 14 and 29th, helping us refresh consciousness by clearing old debris and tired ideas.  Chaotic as this may be, it adds to the spiritual drive and magic of the Equinox, when the veil is very thin between worlds. This energy is a gift.  Use it wisely to create a higher, loving vision of your life.

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Natal Charts, Solar Returns, Relationship

Astrological Consultations

From 25 years as a practicing Astrologer, I offer perceptive, psychological, planetary insights into your life.  Reading your chart is akin to reading the soul’s choices on taking an incarnation. It is a blueprint of your past, present, and future.  It speaks of your potential, and your fears, your talents, and your foibles. Our session offers a toolbox to awaken greater consciousness and intuition. Understanding your individual cycles and symbols helps you know who you really are, AND what you came here to do.