Shadow moves in
obliterating light
Tis vesper hour when doves coo
And earth pulls to her dark sleep.
What awakens in this twilight landscape?
What outline rises, revealed in penumbra?
With nary a sharp edge or defining detail
Silhouettes disappear
Life melts into the dim
And dirty of no man’s land.
Hold the candle high.
Unexpected contours form.
New perceptions sigh into being.
Shadow opens confusion,
A portal to ‘what if’ and how
Obscures intention.
Black clouds of fear?
Or definition of light?
“The shadow is the greatest teacher for how to come to the light.” – Ram Dass
I write to you as Trump swears his fealty to god and country. I write to you as his limited abilities to rule are exonerated by power and money. The world we’ve known spins backward on her axis, and all the light there is must now be created by those who love this land, and respect one another. The poem above speaks that any wisdom will be illumined in and by the dark. So let us enter the dark fearlessly as spirit warriors. If our world must transform through shadow, so be it. Let us fearlessly enter shadow to heal and nurture. We cannot go around or over, we must move through. Beginning this perilous journey, let us reach out to one another, making ‘love’ a daily mantra. Let us not give our power to those who violate through mis-use of power. Let us listen only to the still soft voice within that holds our truth. And let this ‘truth’ embrace acceptance, charity and grace.
Looking at the chart for the inauguration, there are several illuminating energies for the years ahead. (Interesting that inauguration has a Latin root in augury, a sign or omen of things to come.). The Sun, as leader, is at its power at the top of the chart, alongside Pluto, God of death, darkness and transformation. Side by side, in the 10th house of leadership, they march arm in arm to move this country onward. Pluto, just now in Aquarius, with its themes of change, and rise of ‘we the people,’ also holds’ its shadow energies. Both describe Trump quite perfectly: ruler of riches, enough power to be a felon and be president. Enough power to rule through corruption and yet be elected. Enough power to rape women and now control their access to healthcare. Enough power to drill anything and everything without care of the eco system. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
With Pluto now in Aquarius for coming 20 years, it brings a high charge of ‘electrical’ energy into the picture. It’s an air sign of quirky, innovative ideas that may make the phrase, “Going dark,” a reality. Unfortunately, Pluto stands opposite Mars, the warrior, rooted at the base of the chart. Remember the violence we had in the opening weeks of this year? That was when Pluto and Mars were perfectly opposed. Now, they are ‘gently opposed.’ Mars remains retrograde and unhappy in watery Cancer, where he does not behave well, rooting the chart in anger, invasive desires, and emotional frustrations. Poised in the third house of communication, neighbors, and ideas, you see Trump’s pompous desires to take over Canada, Greenland and the Canal. This can also speak of communities rising up in arms, or the ire of TikTok users, as well as possible plans to abandon NATO, and Ukraine. All to unfold and be known. Transformation is the only party in town! “Stay calm and carry on!”
Next week I shall write of the ‘lunar New Year of the Snake, under an Aquarian New Moon of quixotic changes and big thinking creativity. Plus Uranus, the god of higher mind and unusual ideas, ruling the New Moon, moves from retrograde to station direct, imposing its chaotic vibe through the entire week of 27-feb. 2. The week following, Jupiter stations to go direct. You can expect lots of Astrologic energies on the table to shove us forward, speed up the world, and change what was.
The Astrology Overview of ’25, with massive practical notes and a recording for NON-Astrologers is still viable and available, $30
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