January 20 - January 30, 2024

Raising the Aquarian Vibe!

If enlightenment is not where you are standing, where will you look”.   
– Zen saying
“Life was to be a search, or nothing!  But it was the fear that it was nothing that drove me forward.  Every encounter was an encounter with myself.”
– John Le Carré

First I wish to thank ALL of you who participated in the Astrological Overview of ’24. What an ‘exclamatory time’ we had! Very Aquarian in nature as it was full of surprise, technology, and holding together to rise and prevail in community. A lovely way to enter this year. (Recording & notes available to those who missed it. $25)

We have three primary Aquarian adventures to observe and obey. The first is the Sun’s yearly move into Aquarius, Sat. 20th, along with being overshadowed by Pluto’s move into the same, for coming 20 years!!  It’s a transformative game changer for our world. Third in line is Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, Stationing direct the following Sat. 27. This is also a very big “Olé” whose prominent vibrations of change, higher mind, and chaos are already influencing the airwaves. I’m sure you can feel the confluence of subtle change, along with tech issues, and power plays in motion.

With a weirdly ‘synchronistic’- if you will – shift of both the Sun and Pluto at 29 Capricorn, moving hand in hand into 00 Aquarius, it makes this weekend one of the year’s energetic highlights.  Pluto’s move from earth to air introduces a whole new set of themes that will focus life toward deeper processes of transformational power, particularly around what we think. how we regard power and control, and the use of science, particularly with technology. Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius with the Sun brings unusual forces to bear. There is the influence of a subtle psychic charge that enlivens intuition; there is Pluto’s deeply emotional force bringing change to beliefs, states of consciousness, and values. (Depending on the natal house this inhabits, you can add more information.)

Both Pluto and Uranus demand shifts and regenerative forces to influence the environment.  They wake up the unconscious, primal energies so we begin to think and see life differently. There is a wild, untamed aspect to both planets; Pluto is more emotional, and Uranus is more of the brain. They can both be wildly creative, Pluto from a passionate, libidinal focus, and Uranus framing out-of-the-box views and sudden understanding. They can be intuitive game changers, and at this time particularly for our Sun, our ego and identity ~the daemon. The Sun reveals ambition and a sense of life purpose. Pluto aligning with the Sun releases huge surges of energy to move us out of feeling stuck or stagnant, bored, and frustrated.  Expect a sense of liberation, the desire to move, and expand possibilities. It’s interesting that both the signs of Capricorn that Pluto is leaving, and Aquarius that he enters are ruled by Saturn (ancient ruler of Aquarius, along with its modern ruler, Uranus.). Saturn at this time is transiting Pisces, asking we invest new structures into our spirituality and creativity. (If you wish more information on this see the previous article at https://dailybreathjournal.com/astro/weekly-astrology/ )

Pluto has carried the ancient, earthy Capricorn energy for the past 17 years. Now we begin to disentangle from that top-down weight to rise into the great sister and brotherhood of airy Aquarius~ the future. This can be an alchemical transition if we have worked through the authority of Capricorn- disciplines. Have we refined some of our animal nature, the desire to be top dog and in charge? What have you been preparing for? What have you come to understand that is now ready to use in a totally different manner?  What is the burden you are willing to release now? Where are you prepared to transcend and move beyond?

Aquarius asks we lift up and alkalize base energies, and use them for a better future, one that includes all of us, not the wealthy few. There is a feeling of vast unknown spaciousness about Aquarius, despite it being ‘grounded’ by Saturn’s co-rulership. We are marching onward from a worldly, material, heavy energy to chemically rise and integrate what we know and can use into something that is unknown, modern, and hopefully of higher consciousness.

Consider using this transition time to heal the past, at least gaining distance from it to open to new understandings, perhaps one of healing.  We are harnessing not only air but water as we grow into and access more Aquarian layers. Some of the questions facing us are about the intersection of technology and stewardship of the earth. We are harnessing resources, and innovating a new science to be in greater alignment with Mother Earth. We have entered a new paradigm that is calling for all of us to step forward, to connect and become stewards of our home, to rebuild and rethink not only care of Gaia but of one another.

Imagine ways to redirect your life, be more inclusive, more involved, more aware. Shed the old snake skin you have worn so long. We are all going to grow into better stewards by tapping into our unique experiences to shift forward and up.  Imagine yourself as an architect, with a new house under design.  Take time to build your intuition, honor your roots, be willing to be more heart-powerful. Be alive to the life waiting for you.


Making plans to move forward?  Confused by the unknown? If you’d like to know how you are affected by planetary energies, and understand better ways to partner Self and others, contact Samantha for a deep-diving Astrological consultation into your life:  samcatcam@gmail.com or text 508-505-7700.

Information about my teaching and consulting style, focus, and background: https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/interview-samantha-cameron/  


Weekly Yoga & pilates classes, in person & via Zoom, are held as usual.  For information contact- samcatcam@gmail.com

YOUR PRACTICE THIS WEEK:  Grow a more expansive awareness~ through conscious breath practices, through withdrawn, silent hours with soul-self, and sacred times with those you love.  Appreciate what is, then turn to the unknown and pack up all that lovely appreciation to carry onward.  As the great wheel turns, the Cosmos re-directs, and our job is to listen to new missions, to open doors of wider, higher possibility.

BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK:  Be Capricorn proud and Aquarian quirky!  As you climb the next mountain, remember to spend equal time in rest so you can be your own unique Aquarian self.   This is year of enormous change for you.  Be excited, rather than fearful.

Last week, I wrote “This year, many demands are put on you.  Don’t let your master, Saturn, dictate being strong and in charge all the time.  It’s imperative you balance to DO with the BE.  You have Pluto, the transformational power source of the zodiac in the final anarectic degree of 29 Capricorn, pushing you into a higher level of being, of consciousness, of agency.  Use this energy wisely to re-set your goals, and discover a higher path. “

This week I add to that- take the authority you have grown and use it to master new territory, and better ideals on how to use that authority over self, in support of others….’ Be still the great Aquarian heart of feeding all, healing all.


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