“The human soul needs actual beauty more than bread.”
– D.H. Lawrence
Photo credit: Vadim Stein
We are here to be alive! This is our work despite tears, angst, destruction and sorrow. Consider the idea that YOU chose to be here, alive for ‘the changing of the guard’. You have heard me refer to the days we are living through as, ‘epic-epoch, threshold of a new era, and/or revolutionary times.’ All true! Its unfolding is about to be more visible as we move through spring, with big outer planets moving direct to change signs. Plus, we are about to be personally wrapped in the tangled arms of Venus dancing with Mars. The celestial energies unfolding are unprecedented in our lifetime as we move into ‘The Aquarian Age’ in tandem to beginning of ancient Mayan Calendar. Questions rise as to how we are to mindfully meet this quantum-unknown of change and transformation. You can run but you can’t hide. You can tango with the devil but beware the tail. Whatever your moves, do them with heart, mindfulness, and higher intention.
Next week, I will titillate with spring’s upcoming mind-bending era-energy-shifts but today let’s look at cosmic forces directing traffic now. The overwhelming energy is Pisces, with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Neptune all floating sublimely in a sea of mists, mystery, compassion and creativity. Pisces also offers up confusion brings loss, and missteps if we are not aware. Not a good time to gamble or take risks. Pause with all important decisions to reflect well before signing any dotted line.
Venus as goddess of love, beauty, relationships, money and personal value is presently in Aires and about to enter the depths of her underworld when she stations Rx March 1st. Prepare now for her retrograde/ shadow period, as we will be nudged, even forced to look at our Venus issues, past, present and future. Consider it a recalibration and reset of the heart’s manifesto. In her retrograde journey, she will move though both Aires, March 1-27, where she is not happy, and Pisces, March 28-April 12, where she is more herself and at home.
During her Aires visit, expect to feel poked and triggered, especially about relationships. Watch for impulsivity and reaction. Aires is our warrior energy asking us to stand up for ourselves and what we believe in. Venus here demands we grow more courageous, to speak our truth, and be willing to lead. The Rx period in Aires offers an important time to be more aware of what is authentic, what empowers us, and what needs to be discarded for this to happen.
During Venus’ Pisces weeks we shall tune inward, grow introspective, intuitive, and vulnerable. We shall become ‘compassion in action.’ The Venus journey between Aires and Pisces is the journey from ‘what do I need’ to ‘what do you need?’ Venus retrogrades, occur approximately every 18 months, offers critical times of re-evaluation, and introspection in hopes of discovering when we can bring more passion and joy to our relationships, how we might manage finances with greater wisdom, and discover ways we can see ourselves with greater value and trust.
The following themes will be up for review during Venus’ Rx period.
*Women’s rights and reproductive quality.
*The end of toxic relationships. Not just with people, but jobs, ideas, habits, spending.
*A realignment of you with heart-centric YOU. This may heal old ego wounding.
*Discovering/uncovering our passionate journey. Where does creativity call?
* Looking at imbalances in giving and receiving, and how we might re-align that.
(If you would like a 15 minute personal download of what this cosmically profound passage may bring you, I’m offering a ‘Venus love-special for $15.)
The dance of Mars reaches its retrograde finale this week, thank hevvins. If you have felt dopey, irritable, unmoored, tired, wound-up, involved in too much family triage, or/and angry, then you can throw some blame here as Mars, who is fiery and only likes to move forward with passion, has been in emotional, watery Cancer- of feeling, and family. Not helpful. I hope you have taken time to re-assess family dynamics, discovered or uncovered hidden emotional material, or possibly re-designed your motivation. Mars goes Rx every two years, lasting around 80 days, offering a time to look at how we incur and express anger, how we undertake bold actions, or grow more independent. Ask if you have new plans as Mars vibrates wildly to turn on the motor to move forward come the 23rd?
A wonderful aspect of the Mars/Venus retrogrades is directing their inner dance into greater opportunities to integrate their oppositional energies from deeper perspectives. As these are personal planets, (meaning closer to earth therefore affecting us directly and dynamically.) we can create dances with new partners. We can encourage warrior and love goddess to cha-cha together. We might discover courage as we waltz with greater kindness and compassion. Stand back and view the many ways you might entangle Mars and Venus, sparking deeper conversations, and creating higher level partnerships. When combined, they are wildly creative, containing sparks of genius and passion that nurture our souls.
Thank you for following, subscribing and sharing my blog. Special gratitude to those supporting my work through booking consultations. You inspire my life and writing. Samantha
ASTROLOGIC OFFERINGS: Along with the natal deep dive, uncovering soulful aspirations of past/present/future, we can look at the year ahead with a Solar Return, which reveals the incoming cycle and what you will meet and master.
“I consult from psychological, metaphysical perspectives, keeping the energetic information practical and useful to navigate as we deep dive into your life.” Contact Samantha at samcatcam@gmail.com ~or text 508-505-7700
“I’ve been listening to your astrology recording again, and it’s so wonderfully helpful! Thank you for supporting me in understanding myself better.” JB
The Astrology Overview of ’25, with practical notes and a recording for NON-Astrologers is still viable and available, $30
email samcatcam@gmail.com