Weekly Astrology

Aug. 25- Sept. 5


THE TRANSMISSION                  
The longing is for…… Love to be its own witness Present in every moment.
It is for us to open, Accepting each opportunity To turn toward another,
Holding the silent hidden presence.
Now, we stand as witness Surrendering all.
Embracing all. Declaring all
To create this moment of Grace.
Here, as witness We guard the sacred
We hold what is, Guide to what shall be
Led by wisdom’s heart.
The longing met.

Wisdom Body Notes for August 28-September 5
In July, I wrote this poem to a beautiful couple for their lavender wedding in Provence.  Despite overwhelming difficulties in the rest of summer, I’m holding hard to memories of joy and the energy of ‘transmission,‘ especially as we enter fall.  Yes, some of the summer’s ‘celestial- flame’ subsides, and yes, we may have greater opportunities to focus on personal dreams, rather than fixing one more derelict, inopportune thing; and yes, we shall continue dealing with ongoing erratic changes, befuddled emotions, along with the incessant, “What?  You can’t be serious!” 
~The title of my new book.

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August 15-28

COSMIC HIGH HEAT~ August’s Blue-Super Full Moon

Wisdom Body Notes for August 15-25 by Samantha Cameron

The heat of multiple dynamic cosmic energies these past two weeks, leads toward Monday’s Full Moon culmination of a Queenly Leo Sun facing a freedom loving Aquarian Moon.  I’m not sure I want to know just how much higher August’s wild ride will take us, but this dramatic combo, with its ‘auxiliary transits of intensity’ is sure to offer more heat.  The past two weeks have been a dynamic time and this Full Moon, as all full moons do, exacerbates the emotional body.  The big light in the sky illuminates the night, and what lies in shadow within. This Aquarian infusion is wired with the exotica of freedom loving chaos to confront the Sun’s Leonine desire for honor and acclaim.  Between now and Monday, you might like to spend time releasing old baggage and calling up your fearless-self to ask just how you’d like to discover new ways to use this ‘high heat.’  How unique and majestic can you become?  What stands in your way?

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August 4-12


Sacred Recognition

The western wind drops away

Carrying her last exhale out to sea

Subduing blue-black chop,

Prostrating cliff-grasses,

Now the horizon can marry the sun

As light lies horizontal

In breathless pause

Between day’s end and one to come.

Here, we greet first stars

Dropping through incoming shadow,

Calling to Sirius ‘The Spiritual Sun’

Alchemical guide of latitude and longitude

Imprinting awe, opening harmony, offering wisdom.

Osho wrote, “The word enlightenment has nothing to do with genius, has nothing to do with intellect.  It has something to do with discovering your real, authentic being.  It is discovering god within you.”

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August 5, 2024



The western wind drops away

Carrying her last exhale out to sea

Subduing blue-black chop,

Prostrating cliff-grasses,

Now the horizon can marry the sun

As light lies horizontal

In breathless pause

Between day’s end and one to come.

Here, we greet first stars

Dropping through incoming shadow,

Calling to Sirius ‘The Spiritual Sun’

Alchemical guide of latitude and longitude

Imprinting awe, opening harmony, offering wisdom.

Osho wrote, “The word enlightenment has nothing to do with genius, has nothing to do with intellect.  It has something to do with discovering your real, authentic being.  It is discovering god within you.”

Calling our ‘authentic being’ front and center in ‘Sacred Recognition’ is a wise and wonderful mission as we now are under the influence of Lion’s Gate, peaking at its portal, August 8.  This is one of the more intense cosmic blasts for awakening to our true spirit, to discovering the power within. Astronomically, Lion’s Gate takes place when Earth, Sun, Orion’s Belt, and the fixed star, Sirius, align, Sirius becomes visible as the Sun takes its yearly pass over it. It is known as the Alpha star/the brightest of the Canis Major constellation. 

Astrologically, many ancient cultures considered Sirius their ‘spiritual sun,’ and as such a conduit to higher wisdom, and a healing agency for releasing old trauma. It is known to activate abundance of every desire as it releases hidden issues holding back attainment of that abundance.  Let us join the Ancients in their ‘lionizing’ of this magic Portal of healing, of deeper love and care of one another, and of gifts we long for.  If you have been feeling open to some of this energy, good on you as it began the flow into alignment July 28, it will ‘portal-peak’ on the 8th and be leaving on the 12th.  The symbology of the eighth month, on the eighth day, and this year, 2024, totaling to the number eight, makes this moment particularly powerful, a time when we can ask favors of the Universe and be answered with abundant gifts of insight, and transmissions of intuitive clarity. 

The Astrologer, Stephanie Austin, writes this about Lion’s Gate:  “The number 8 symbolizes the interconnectedness of the material and spiritual realms. When turned 90º, it becomes the symbol for infinity and the eternal flow of creation. Its scared geometry is found in many cultures: in Islamic art as an octagonal star pattern called the Breath of the Compassionate representing harmony and unity, in Native American myth as the eight-legged Grandmother Spider weaving the web of life, in the Eightfold Path of Buddhism, in Hindu Yantras, and in the Celtic, Druid, and Pagan Eightfold Wheel of the Year.”

My heart joins yours in harmony to not only create what we personally desire, but to visualize this great light, the power of Sirius feeding the world with abundant harvests, joyful connection, and peaceful manifestation.   Samantha

OPENING AUGUST GOLD Astrologic Energies of the month

Wisdom Body Notes August 1-12 by Samantha Cameron

What an entrance August makes this year!  Her threshold energies embrace weirdly perfect symbols of what lies in store.  We begin under a Leo New Moon of creativity, courage and joy that sets the template for coming 28 days.  But we do not step out like a lion, au contraire, we begin with the mind moving into review and re-set as Mercury stations Retrograde in Virgo, which has particularly strong effects on any planning, new ideas, conversations, travel, or questioning the fabric of life.  You may feel like roaring in lion-esque joy, but will without doubt revise the timbre, tone and timing of your roar.

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Aug. 1-12


Astrological Energies of the month

Wisdom Body Notes August 1-12 by Samantha Cameron

What an entrance August makes this year!  Her threshold energies embrace weirdly perfect symbols of what lies in store.  We begin under a Leo New Moon of creativity, courage and joy that sets the template for coming 28 days.  But we do not step out like a lion, au contraire, we begin with the mind moving into review and re-set as Mercury stations Retrograde in Virgo, which has particularly strong effects on any planning, new ideas, conversations, travel, or questioning the fabric of life.  You may feel like roaring in lion-esque joy, but will without doubt revise the timbre, tone and timing of your roar.

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