Bearing Gifts
Preparing for holidays instigates the great search for perfect gifts, those impeccable, je ne sais quoi boxes of taste and refined thoughtfulness, along with ‘I should have done this in July despair.’
Endings and beginnings beg urgency, inspiration, and dedication. The closing weeks of a year prevail upon the body to release what was, and turn inevitably toward the unknown.
Becoming Human
Change is good. Right? If we don’t do it, parts of us atrophy and die. When we do change, we still die, but we die better.
One Word~Peace
Socrates asked, “If you don’t have a word to describe something, then how can you think about it?” How do you celebrate peace? What blocks you from having it? How do you embody peace within?
Partnering Prana
We are at home, happier, more expansive when invited to the party. Prana is the same. This energy, or life force is pervasive. It is source material. But when we beckon it to connect to breath with awareness and meaning, we make the party come alive.
108 Words For Love
How many words for love do you know? Can you find one more? What guides you through your fear to safety, then risk? Who heals the healer that is thou? In what shape are your ‘sacred contracts?’ How trust-worthy can you grow?