Search Results for: Urdhva Dhanurasana

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Tendonitis

When tingling in your fingers turns to pain, the usual diagnosis is carpal tunnel syndrome, which simply means a nerve is pinched at the base of the hand.  This is the median nerve, the communicator between brain and thumb and index and middle fingers As much as possible, change your habits, especially the repetitive ones using the hands.  Take time to stretch and open the fingers, creating more space and intentional healing attention. Vitamin B6 may help in reducing swelling, therefore pain.  B6 is essential for creating pain-inhibiting neurotransmitters.  Take under a doctor’s supervision for dosage. Foods supporting the benefits of B6 include avocado, broccoli, nuts, bananas, beans, whole grains, spinach, and sweet potato.Be aware that protein uses up B6, because part of its job is to convert protein from one source to another, therefore if you eat a lot of protein… As with most other dis-eases, high alcohol and tobacco increase risk. Women are more prone than men, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy, as many hormones reach a peak. Birth control pills can also contribute to the risk of carpal tunnel. High fiber foods help the body eliminate excess estrogens, which may also help fighting breast cancer. Splint if pain is high or continues, see an acuputurist as well as a doctor. Reading“Foods that Fight Pain” by Neal Barnard, MD Basic Ayurvedic tips: Continuous use of the same muscles leads to inflammation of the tendons. If you cannot stop the activity for a while, try changing the way you perform it.  Stretch before and after which will improve circulation. Apply cold compresses, (bags of frozen veg.)  Also, use cooling pastes of sandalwood and tumeric powder, in equal amounts, mixed with a bit of cold water. Selected Yoga Poses & Exercises Padahastasana-Feet on Hands Pose.While here, feel the… Read more »

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Hair Care

Factors that can lead to thinning and loss of hair include poor circulation, long term stress, pregnancy, hormone changes, sudden weight loss, poor diet, vitamin deficiencies, hypothyroidism, smoking, and drugs… of many sorts. Important nutrients for the hair include B vitamins, especially Biotin and Pantothenic Acid, (B-5), inositol & pyroxodine (B-6), niacin, (B-3) These are important when stressed.Vitamin C, E, calcium and zincEat more greens with B vitamins prominent.Unsaturated fatty acids (primrose oil, linseed oil, salmon oil)Using sage tea, or apple cider as a rinse, help hair growAny herbs or tonics that affect cardiovascular, energetic circulation will bring more blood to the scalp.Garlic in its many delicious forms invigorates, offers resistance to stress, improves hair, skin, and muscle tone.Ginger tones circulatory system, plus having anti-cancer effects. (Blocks tendency of some carcinogens to cause mutations in DNA.*)Ho Shou Wu This Chinese blood tonic is known as a powerful rejuvenator.  It increases energy cleans the blood, nourishes hair, and teeth.  It also has renown as a sexual tonic if taken regularly.  It increases sperm production in men and fertility in women. Reading“Spontaneous Healing” by Andrew Weil, MD“Perscription for Nutritional Healing” by the Balch’s MD“The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies” by Vasant Lad“Yoga & Ayurveda; Self Healing and Self Realization” by David Frawly Basic Ayurvedic Hair Tips Ayurvedically, hair and nails are considered by products of bone care because the dhatu, (basic body tissue) in charge of bones is the same for hair and nails.  Dhatus are responsible for the function and structure of the systems and organs in the body, and they unfold successively with the nourishment from digestion.  This makes calcium, magnesium, zinc, and Vitamin D very important not only for bones but hair, and nails.  If your hair is unhealthy, it might speak of your bones needing more attention…. Read more »

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