Search Results for: Dhanurasana-Bow Pose

Heart Care

Care of the Heart & Cardiovascular System The cardiovascular system includes the heart and blood vessels.  There are many forms of dis-ease associated with the heart.  It is the number one health problem in the Western world, which makes a loud meta-statement about the state of love, for the heart is the symbol of love and security.  Metaphysically heart attacks are invited into a body when the joy is squeezed out.  When stress and fear outweigh nurturing and pleasure, the heart hardens. Clearly this is not the place to go into the many serious heart diseases, but it is a good space to create new possibilities of thinking about heart care.  It is the perfect time to consider dietary changes, create a different work space, and up-date exercise attitudes.  This is the most wonderful moment to call joy, and vibrancy into daily habits and ritual. Of course consult with your physician before taking anything, especially if you have heart and blood issues. Nutrients Important to the Cardiovascular System Coenzyme Q & Germanium improve oxygenation in the tissuesCalcium & Magnesium support the muscular aspect of the heartL Carnitine reduces triglycerides and fats in the bloodLecithin and Vitamin E-  Lecithin acts as a fat emulsifier, and E speeds its assimilation.Vitamin E also strengthens the immune system, improves circulation, and destroys free radicals.Primrose oil, or black currant oil, or olive oil are all sources of essential fatty acids that prevent the hardening of the arteries.Fresh lemon juice is a wonderful blood purifier that improves circulation and helps lower high blood pressure.  Drink a non-sugared lemonade first thing every morning. If blood pressure is low, drink ginger tea, add ginger to foods, along with the combination of apple cider vinegar, honey, and water, another good low pressure stabilizer. Include lots of garlic, (lowers high… Read more »

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Beam Me Up Scotty

Under this full moon, eat green melon, dream large dreams, wear silver twined with gold, see the highest vision, trip the light fantastic, and hold nothing but your heart. What is demanding your attention in this moment?  Where is your focus?  Do you have one?  Or has it mutated so many times in the past few weeks, it’s become a blur of mad cows across the horizon? This equinox is one of the year’s high energy points, with many oppositional face-offs, and inner pressures creating explosion and implosion. The equinox, as one of the four change quadrants during the year, can be a time of re-focusing, and re-commitment. Earth can access a larger intelligence using the solstice/equinox beams as homing devices to connect personal desires to light years streaming the galaxy. Outer planetary doorways beckon an alignment with desires, which can happen now. Be aware of what you wish for. The impetus for transformation is forcing bodies beyond usual fears and limitations, The Universe has turned up the heat so that as difficult as present change can be,  outcomes offer rich, profound sensibilities, along with more sensitive radars. Trekkies, remember “Beam me up Scotty.”  Now it’s your turn. Energetic Forces Asana: Hamsasana/Swan-Another beautiful, impossibly difficult bird pose. The difference between last week’s Mayurasana/Peacock Pose, and this week’s Hamsasana lies only in the position of the hands.  In the Swan, fingers face forward, toward the head, making this more difficult than the Peacock. Begin on all fours, Bend elbows, with forearms as close together as possible, and rest diaphragm on the elbows, chest on back of upper arms.  One by one, extend legs back, keeping them together, strong and straight. On exhaling take body weight onto the wrists and hands, lifting legs off floor, if possible.  Stretch the back and head forward until… Read more »

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