Change Agents R Us

1. If asking, “What can I do better?” Think first about, “Who can I become?” We hear & see the same old information differently when our ears and eyes receive with a different vibration. Changing perception just enough to create shifts in old patterns allows for new territory.

2. When I was first contemplating marriage, a wise man asked, “Do you love him 51%?” I was appalled at the low percentage he required to put my life into change mode. He said, “If you can do even this tiny bit more than half, psychologically you will achieve what you desire.”

3. The power of now is powerful. Live in it, but do not expect change in it. Change is a Saturn based process, dealing with tempo, timing, pacing, repetition. Think of how often you do the scales on a piano before you play at Carnegie…or the Boogie Woogie bar down the street. Boogie daily to beckon changes.

4. When you Boogie, you’re happy, this is probably the most important change-agent of all. You can struggle through bad times, but you can’t live there. For change to be permanent, it has to make you happy, and you need that joy in creating. It’s like changing your diet. Too much denial makes for spiraling sugar splurges. Adding small sweet tastes of honey, raisins, tangerines, etc. keeps you light-bodied and cheerful.

5. When our new diet fails, or we falter yet once again to keep a promise to ourselves, it’s the best time for God to ask, “Are you ready now?” When we fail, we are our most teachable. If we never try, we never fail, therefore we are taught little, learn less. If we must go down in defeat, let us go down like thunder, and then be willing once again to be hit by lightening.

6. In Astrology, there is an Asteroid named, Chiron, ‘the wounded healer.’ It may be the point of greatest possible change in one’s chart, for it speaks of our deep wounds from childhood. With loving attention and a willingness to change, these wounds eventually become our gifts, a place from which we teach. If we choose to be change-agents we often work most powerfully as wounded healers.

7. Become aware that with age, things that might have once served us well, may now hold us back. The child inside yearns for what is familiar, what once brought comfort. If we are not careful, we will continue to seek that same old comforting ‘blanket’ to cover present pain.

8. When we become more and more out of balance, unable to leave old desires, we create more of the same, for like increases like. Turning from the snare of destructive habituation, remember we need only to make new, better choice 51% of the time….then ultimately we win.

9. Find ways to measure, or calculate new intentions. Write it down. Keep track of progress. Decide on a new pose to conquer in a year’s time, pace yourself, practice, be proud of every small, incremental step.

10. We need the same conviction behind our love as terrorists hold behind their hate. To make dream-changes, make an agreement with the dream, hold it in your heart. Do not let others dissuade you from ‘becoming.’ It is wonderful to share and get support toward goals, it is also important to know when to hold that energy within, not letting it leak out when you are effecting a new birth.

Honor who you are when you dream that vision.

Keep your word to yourself.

Be courageous in the face of failure.

Be creative when shaking up habit & amp up routine.

Be like Pooh, eat honey, walk the road with good friends, be silly.

Asana: Choose your new pose to conquer. Make a road map on the approach. How many layers are involved in this change? Can you correlate it to anything else you wish/need to change at this time? Can you use one to help with the other?



At a time in my life when change brings fear and feels immensely daunting – you remind me, encourage me, guide me to uncover the truth, to trust myself. You remind me that change is good.

Sam – You bring clarity, not only to your yoga practice, but to your life and the lives of the many people who are blessed to be included in your circle.

Thank you for Daily Breath. Thank you for ….

One of your biggest fans – I send big love.


I am always grateful to have the opportunity to eavesdrop on your conversations, Sam; these conversations with yourself. This is why I love your yoga classes. Your yoga practice is rich because it informs your other life experiences and your rich life experiences inform your practice. Sharing these conversations with me teaches me much more than the form of an asana. You are modeling how to be my own teacher. In real time, on the ground, breathing.


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