This equinox calls us to grow our inner light as powerfully as we respond to the the outer transformation of spring. Those of us who have been in snow’s lock-down, become joy-crazy with the warmth in this light. Even if we have not been held in repressive freezes, it is time to release the dark weight of fear. Whether dancing through daffodils, or surfing San Onofre, the inner flame of this spring’s re-birth calls us all. A friend just sent me the following ‘cycle of awareness.’ Perhaps we can use it as a catalyst for our mutual growing light. We cannot go on as before. The earth cannot support our darkness. We cannot withstand the bleakness. We change or die. Here’s a kick in the butt toward change: The Seven Day Cycle of Equinox 1ST Day: Releasing Old Patterns 2nd Day: Releasing Old Emotions 3rd Day: Releasing Old Problems Day of Solstice/Equinox: meditate on New Energy, Ideas, Directions for current or coming projects 5th Day: State or re-state Personal and Global Dreams 6th Day: Dreams and Expectations for the next 3 months 7th Day: Set a single habit in place for on-going processes of Self-Realization During first 3 days– write 2-3 items to release for each day, then tear or burn the papers upon completion of meditation/ritual. Write 2-4 items for manifestation at the Solstice or Equinox, then for following three days, Meditate on what you Desire to Manifest. Keep these papers in a sacred place for the coming three months until the next cycle begins. Asana: Urdhva Upavistha Konasana/ Upward Facing Open Angle Pose. You can move into this Pose from rolling back and forth on the spine, with knees curled at chest. Roll up to sit on Sitts bones, slowly extend bent knees as far as possible. Grab… Read more »
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