Giving Birth

Cradled in winter’s cold
Nine months she’s dreamed this hour
Waiting warmth
Loins opening to green shoots.
Snowdrops crowning crusted snows.
Soon, the fertile womb surrenders
Daffodil, Forsythia, Pear, Tulip,
Greedily forcing life from the dark mother.
Tiny, mewling cries rise and fall
Minute featherd bird-babies
Lie upon her fecund belly, gasping first breath.
In a tearing orgy, “I am, I am!”
Sings every hour’s chorus.
Soon spent, she begs days of languor and sweet succor.

Asana/Pose: Jathara Parivartanasana/Stomach Turning Pose. Lie on back, arms outstretched to sides. Exhaling raise both legs straight up over hips. Inhale, lift hips up and move them to R. Exhale, slowly lowering legs down to L hand, try to keep back on floor, and legs together and straight. Take 5-10 breaths, then slowly raise legs back to center. Repeat other side by first moving hips to L. It helps to either hold onto something heavy as you do first attempts so that shoulders remain flat on floor.
*Do not do this pose if you have lower back issues, as it strongly pulls on psoas muscle, attached to spine.

Health Notes: Jathara is wonderful for toning abdominal organs; pancreas, spleen, liver. It also strengthens intestines, helping with gastritis. The lower back and abdominal muscles are strengthened, reducing excess belly fat.

Ayurvedic Notes: Thousands of years ago, when Ayurveda medicine came into being, we were much more intertwined with Ma Nature, therefore routines, treatments, and reasoning were formed as practical responses to living well with cycles and seasons. One of the more important routines is to begin and end each day with observance and honor to Universal Source….call it what you will. Letting a few short minutes of joy, gratitude, and peace be part of the daily heart-space changes our world.

Astrology Notes: Venus ruled Taurus is very connected to nature, to making Gaia more productive and beautiful. She is fully a ‘spring-child,’ getting her hands earth-dirty, exploring methods to be resourceful and bountiful. Taurus needs to practice Jathara, as extra weight is often an issue. Oh those lovely sweets, and the sabor of fine wines!

One Comment


Beautiful! We all need to take the time to breath deep and remember our Mother Earth. Too bad that its something most of us have to go out of our way, or at least make a conscious intention, to experience. But when we do, you can feel her cradle us in her arms…


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