Daimonic Soul Shocks

We should be getting used to the high levels intensity by now. We should be good at dodging the jagged shards of careless and mean-spirited output. We should have been able to wrap ourselves in a cocoon of safety against someone else’s chaotic decisions and quixotic changes that affect our lives.

It ain’t happening, nor will it until we can somehow change our perspective. If we could stand back and see the energy patterns as a grand mosaic urging us to shift, to grow soul-materia, instead of defensive bulwark, and if we could feel inspired by this imperative to move, to dissolve the status quo, instead of fearing its demise, then perhaps we would not be suffering. Remember that suffering comes only when we wish something to be other than what it is. If we could but see this Demon of dissolving ego and frustrated efforts as our Daimon, we wouldn’t care so much how we learned, only that we were learning and growing.

Many philosophers and psychologists, beginning with the Greeks, have written on the Daimon. Heraclites felt that ‘character is Daimon.’ Plato called it ‘the supreme form of soul in us, a guiding genius.’ More recently, Rollo May said it was translated to the Latin as genii. Be that as it may, its root origin is from the Greek, ‘demon,’ which speaks of the complexity of our own personal guiding genius.

Each of our angel/devil/ daimonic-guidance counselor leads its soul toward who they are to become. It doesn’t care how the soul learns, only that we learn, grow, and change to be who we are meant to be. This is the gift and the curse of earthly life. At this particular time we have the enormous gift of making many more soul-choices than usual, for we are in the splendor of chaos, from the Greek word ‘chrino,’ meaning simply ‘to decide.’ We have the marvelous opportunity that Chinese philosophers spoke of when they said, “May you live in interesting times.” Think of the soul-muscle we are growing! Consider the daimonic genius moving within each to forge us into more than we ever thought possible.

Personally, I’m with Thelma and Louise. Regard the fear, the terrifying immobility of utter upheaval and loss, then take the daimon, and/or best friend by the hand and jump into the abyss, in love with life, in love with feeling everything, learning the power of choice.

Asana: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana/Upward Facing Dog Pose. It is easiest to enter the pose from Chattaranga, or you can lie on your stomach, with the palms on the floor, above the waist, fingers face forward. On the inhale lift chest and head, moving them forward, head back. In the full pose, only top of feet and palms remain on the floor. This is a simple pose, moving from quiet power, into beauty, with Grace. This is a pose that when we move with intention we remember to lead with the heart, remain grounded in earth energy, and stretch for the stars.

Health Notes: This pose keeps the spine supple, and is useful for sciatica, lumbago, or slipped discs. The lungs are expanded, helping those with breathing issues, such as asthma. The arms and legs become stronger, and more blood is circulated in the pelvic area. This pose is the perfect compliment to its counterpart, Adho Mukha Svanasana- Down Dog.

Astrology Notes: Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, is our transformer-daimon, ending one life so we can begin another, ending one form so we can learn another. It is called ‘the higher octave of Mars’ because Mars often opens the door for Pluto. It cannot do Pluto’s deep transformative work, for Mars is merely the aggressive force starting a fight. Pluto is the atom bomb ending it.

Ayurvedic Notes: Yogically, Ayurvedically, and metaphysically, the control of thought waves is the cure to all disease. Our thoughts create impressions/samskara, which can be like seeds stored away, only becoming active when we create an environment that sets them free to grow. These seeds, like the Daimon, can be latent tendencies, triggering emotional responses that lead us onward. Our thoughts form belief systems. These multiple feedback loops color past, and present, trigger both conscious and subconscious perception. The layers of subtle, and not so subtle loopings, promote balance and health or imbalance and disease.

Filed under: POV

One Comment



What dynamic and true writings my dear! It is as if I have visited the Temple of Delphi, and am descending, scorched with the lightning bolt of truth! Thank you thank you!! Much love, Mags


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