Space For All

Full moon’s open us to greater vision, wider eyes of perception, and ‘ahaaa moments’ of realization. Simply standing under a golden orb rising against a purple sky can make the most rigidly intellectual brain crack open in ‘de-light.’ Teilhard de Chardin said, “We must continually change to become ourselves.” Perhaps the moon is becoming her Self by emptying out, re-filling, cycling new to full?

This karmic time holds full moon energy thrusting us toward a different life than we have inhabited before. To move forward requires balancing chaos and creativity, predictability against random un-predictability. Our small perceptions are struggling with the pressure of global concepts and quantum leaps. Our present consciousness is like a zit on the chin. We can’t leave it alone. We squeeze it, stare at it, rub and touch it until it bursts. When our consciousness shifts, wide open frontiers of spiritual space, and unknown emotional, mental, physical worlds open.

Creating space for new visions is much like creating physical space for more difficult Asana. Before attacking, or cringing, take time to look at the shape to be formed. Where is the balance point? How is it supported? What/where is the weakest link? Usually it’s the place we are tightest, closed against possibility. how do we make space to inhabit the pose with greater strength and flexibility? Like the moon, as we grow more spacious our light increases, and the great thing about living in the light is there are no limitations of time or space.

Like full moons, our personal energy is imploding. We are semi-psychotic attempting the expansion into those faster, wider, higher zones. And we cannot simply effort for individual survival. We are to grab hands and cross this street together. The healing dictate of leaving the Piscean Age for the Aquarian Age, is not to ‘be a child of God,’ rather, ‘an adult of God.’ *We are overdue to abandon victimhood, blame, and invisibility. Everything awaits our becoming co-creators with Universal Intelligence.

Asana: Eka Pada Bakasana/One legged Crane Pose. Many bodies struggle with this as it requires strength, balance, and flexibility in equal measure. You can enter it from Bakasana, extending one leg back. You can enter it from Plank, pulling one knee into the upper arm, releasing the back leg up. You can also enter it from Salamba Sirsana/Tripod Headstand. Lower both legs until parallel to floor, bending R knee, place it on back of R arm, extending L leg out. On exhale, lift head up, extending torso forward. To release, exhale, head to floor, repeating to other side.

Health Notes: Abdominal organs and muscle are enormously engaged. The arms and wrists strengthened, the ego greatly massaged, for kudos are due.

Astrology Notes: We have entered the philosophically most spacious, far reaching energy of the zodiac, Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. Many of the world’s great explorers, both physically and mentally have been Sagittarian, or blessed with strong Jupiter energy. As night takes over lady day, Sagittarian fire lights the dark with expansive ideas, and enthusiasm.
(*Idea of ‘child to adult of God’ posed by Stephanie Austin, in “The Mountain Astrologer.”)

Ayurvedic Notes: Winter weather unbalances Kapha Dosha, making it easy for weight, depression, and inertia to un-glue the system. A countering Practice of challenging Asanas, or finding classes focused on yang, full moon energy will heat and expand the heaviness inherent in Kapha.

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