It’s funny the odd confluences that oscillate and dislocate usual thought and discourse. Despite being unconscious of planetary knowledge, our speech and thoughts often reflect powerful planetary configurations. We are energy fields reacting to energy emissions after all. Thanks to a Saturn/Pluto contact we are ‘brain spanking,’ while running from ‘Yoga police.’ These neurological tracks reveal a propensity for transgression, and punishment, very Saturn/Pluto. These two zodiac masters can bring up the victim/bully polarity. We bully ourselves when we take time out to be ‘lazy.’ Our judgment is worse. Note judgment inherent in ‘lazy,’ opposed to saying ‘rest.’ There is lots of ‘brain spanking’ going on when we are not checking off ‘the list.’ How did that happen? The Yoga-police come out in force if we become too irreverent. When did towing the Saturn line become the only line in town? When we only show up for duty, bowing to the demanding father within, someone bigger comes along to shake that boney, and it is boney, structure. There is little sweet meat to the strictures of do-do-do. Pluto, being far more powerful in its transformative nature than Saturn says, if your beingness is lopsided, and your inner fires tamped and tamed into nothing but respectability, then I can take you down and put it all into perspective. How about getting so ill you might die; will you change then? Will your work day be 40 hours, not 70? What will it take to create balance out of this relentless intensity? In the loss of sweet hours of doing nothing, the engine of creative juices withers. Without that ‘wasted time’ we cannot be, we cannot create, we can only do. And mostly we do doo-doo. It’s crap. (That is written with a loud English accent.) If we are not to become… Read more »
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