Inspirations: Archives

Gift Giving

Because many of us feel poorer than before, less able to cope or keep up, it is important to ritualize the following gifts, imbuing them with attention and power. Because we feel we do not deserve grandeur and gallant greatness, we must promise to sit and accept, perhaps weep at all we wrap and un-wrap. Because we feel we have no time, we will stop and carefully attend the following: 1. Buy, or find a long shimmery box and in it place silence. Perhaps you open it upside down to pour it over your head. In that silence you listen to your own voice. 2. Find a small jewel of a box, or make one. Let it hold your acceptance of exactly who you are. There is no room for anything other than the true heart of you. 3. A ‘tower of power’ are five, size-graded boxes, stacked one upon the other, tied at the top with multi-hued silk ribbons. Each of these boxes holds one of your gifts. Take them out one by one, marveling at their incandescence, their generosity, their unique contribution. Surprise yourself with honor. 4. The last box is in a size of your own choosing. Wrapped within, lies a mirror, nestled under layers of colored tissue. As you pull back the layers, you feel a growing sense of pleasure to see yourself so beautiful, so serene, and joyeux. Face the one you love. Embrace the gifts you give yourself. They may not be the ones you thought you deserved, they may not be the ones you wished for, but they carry you toward your Self. They are coin of the soul and as such deserve embracing, as well as the ritual of wrapping. Each shock of pleasure at their unveiling is reward enough. Asana: Do… Read more »

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