Daimon or Dharma?

I have been thinking about how we tell our stories. Who lies beneath the plot-line? What is the paradigm creating each hour? day? Year? Who do I think I am? Is it legitimate? What is it I want to be? How much does my intention count toward manifestation? Is it all absurdly random? Why this life, not yours? What is my value? Am I spending my life force, my prana well? What does it depend upon? How long is my story? What is my role in the universe? Is that my Daimon or Dharma?

As usual, I have no answers, and in fact, would appreciate some from you. How are you approaching your story? If you were to sit with me, spinning a fantastic yarn of your life, would I hear of you ‘becoming magical?’ Or did you already become ‘it?’ Would your plot reveal your essence? Or, if you are a poor spinner of yarns, am I confused, and do not see you for who you are? Perhaps it’s not you, it’s me. My ears are wax-clogged from our past, and old ideas about you. Does this hinder, or help you? Blind me, or expose your truth?

The Sanskrit word for scripture is Shruti, which means what has been heard at the level of the spiritual heart, not merely what has been read in a book. Shruti reveals the essence of truth, and includes not just speaking or telling, but listening. Perhaps we cannot tell our stories, only listen to them? Perhaps our secrets, our essence, our daimon and our dharma can only be revealed from the spiritual heart, that space of non-judgment, non-ego, non result. Perhaps my greedy author desires her story told so she knows she has importance, she matters, she exists….”ME ME ME!”

She could have her ears re-cut in the long-lobbed shape of the Buddha’s….listening becomes her.

Asana: Akarna Dhanurasana/ Toe to Ear Pose. Sitting with legs extended, hold both big toes between thumb, index & third fingers, or use straps. Exhaling bend L elbow & knee, pulling foot back as close to L ear as possible, like an archer pulling back a bow string. Keep R leg extended on floor, with fingers around big toe. Hold several breaths, then extend and straighten L leg, lifting higher, bring to ear again, if possible. Release gracefully to do other side.

Health Notes: By contracting the abdominals, bowels are supported to move. In preparing to accomplish this pose, hamstrings grow flexible, lower back strengthens, and hip joints open.

Astrology Notes: We shifted into Aquarius energy on the 19th of January. We are also slowly moving into the ‘age of Aquarius,’ leaving behind the Piscean age of suffering and surrendering. Aquarius, ruled by the planet Uranus. is about moving into the future, together. Equality and brotherhood are essential elements. an important issue for Aquarius is to not lose its Shruti, its personal heart, or story, in its desire to move everyone forward toward enlightenment.

Ayuyrvedic Notes: Ayurveda teaches that all of us have the power to heal most of what ails us, a true Aquarian concept of taking greater responsibility for self. Our diet is regulated by the condition of our agni, or digestive fire. Becoming mindful of what we really want goes a very long way toward satisfying agni, and balancing the body. Listening with more than ears, we become aware of what truly nurtures us.

One Comment



How appropriate this writing is for me on this day. God has surely blessed you as these are questions I have asked myself and here they are in words in front of me, staring at me and begging for answers that I am not sure I have.

Thank you so much for sharing yourself with others through your writings, your poetry and your dance.



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