Burn Baby, Burn

The weather is only half the heat we are contending with this summer. If ever there was a time to learn about ‘turning the other cheek,’ it is now. And what, pray tell, does that phrase conjure? If I slug you, do you ignore me? If I patronize, or lie, do you then roll over? If I, as your best friend, drunkenly crash into your car, do you not press charges? Just what is that other cheek?

We are going to have to come to terms with an inability to do what is right. All too often we either over-react, or we do nothing in fear of standing up for ourselves and being heard, or worse, disliked. The oh so fine and difficult line down the middle requires great heart, perception, and follow through wisdom, products in seeming short supply.

The impersonal, and the profoundly personal changes the world is offering are going to present themselves ever more furiously. Our talent to separate chaff from wheat, past from present, and inconsequential from profound will mean we will survive this time with Self, family, and friends intact, or not. The spiritual, emotional, physical muscle we have been strengthening these past years is going to have to be flexible enough to bend at many moment’s of irrational demand.

‘What now?’ Is all that counts. What are the consequences? How huge the price? The present choice holds and forms past and future. The stakes are high, higher than we think, and turning the other cheek may be the worst decision in our life. It might be the best. We will not know until it is our cheek, until it is our ego assailed and humiliated, our child maligned. Then the question must sit in the heart of our wisdom-muscles to know if the fist strikes, or the head turns.

Asana: Pasasana/Noose Pose. Squatting as deeply as possible, knees together, twist the trunk to one side, with the arm pit outside the thigh, reach arms around the back and exhaling, clasp the hands, or use a strap. Turn the neck/cheek and look over either shoulder. After several breaths, release, and twist to other side.

Health Notes: Because of the intense twisting, this pose helps with digestion, also boosting those with diabetes. As it massages the internal organs it brings energy to spleen, pancreas, and liver, the chest and shoulders expand, and the ankles and legs grow more elastic.

Astrology Notes: Mercury. As ‘the God of Wisdom’ is associated with the Buddha, also the Norse God, Odin. As the Greek, Hermes, he was the great teacher and orator. Despite the lofty associations, Mercury ruled Geminis can be inconsistent, superficial and restless. They can also be imaginative, intellectual, and witty. You probably will not be bored, and if you need a persuasive argument to turn the other cheek, turn to them.

Ayurvedic Notes: Allergies at this time of year run high. And the stress brought on by difficult emotional decisions ramps them up. Like the season, Vata and Pitta sensitivities are the principal doshas involved in allergies, and managing them usually means reducing any hyper-sensitivity to foods and or drink. Being addicted to anything tells you an allergy has your name. It is time to deal with ‘ama,’ which is improperly digested food in the system. Find time to weed out foods which are a tipping point and oversensitive your system.

One Comment


Beautiful words as we enter the tumult! Hope the summer rays warm you well! Sending lots of love!


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