Inspirations: Archives

Who Do You Love?

Faced With Decisions of change, which way do you leap? How large is this shift? Which trajectory to choose? Since we are all in the frying pan this summer, we sizzle, for the heat’s on high! It is no longer a question of ‘if,’ only how and when, and where these ‘alternate routes,’ these high jumps of transformation occur. As your ‘Astrologer’ I cannot tell you the right decision to make, rather, I offer ways in which to consider and design best outcomes, like…make time to consider options now, before jumping. Practice take-offs, and if possible, landings. Consider all styles, view the competition, sit still and quiet, listening to instinctual nudges. Because everyone is edgy and nervous with intimations of sea-change, relationships are being pushed and pressured every which way. Can we grow awareness of what the important ones need, and be willing to let others go? “Who do you love and how deeply do they matter.” is a mantra we are returning to time and again, and again. There will be bodies by the roadside. Becoming clear helps prevent regret about those wayside bodies. Rule # 1, Stay focused on essentials. Rule # 2, Remember it’s easier to accept others, rather than change them. (Like we could.) Getting ourselves, particularly judgment, out of the way is paramount to having clear vision of what is, not what we think it/they should be. Because the heat is so high, anger is a BIG issue. ‘Going ballistic’ is sadly becoming more the norm. Rule # 3, Call up unknown wells of empathy to see their POV, rather than become furious with it. We need this energy for other things and people. Spewing and fuming eat enormous amounts of prana/life force. Why waste it? Rule # 4, We have far more fun loving… Read more »

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