The economic climate, the Astrologic climate, and the emotional climate are singularly hot and climbing. If we are not to repeat the reactionary extremes of the 1930’s; think great depression, rise of Nazism, Fascism, and war, we’d best be formatting better/higher/wider visions. There are many wonderful qualities connected with the energy-framework we are entering, as there were back then: individualism, creative innovation, self-reliance, along with desires for autonomy. It is when they are taken to revolutionary extremes, we suffer. When anything grows too far off-center, suffering prevails. The question is…have we progressed enough since the tumultuous ‘30’s to pull these very similar planetary energies toward higher evolutionary expression? Or, will we fail to fairness, with Self and in the world? Will we fail to hold center ground, in our hearts as well as in our speech? Will we surrender to zealots by lack of spine along with lack of sighted-planning? Can we grow co-ops of compassion, where everyone has equal say/ equal vote, equal responsibility? We can. Question remains, can we do it fast enough to save one another, and the plant & animal kingdoms of Ma-Earth? Calling All Angels (This ‘Breath’ spiked by Michele Finey’s article for Mt. Astrologer, “Uranus In Aries; A spark of Hope for the Future”) Asana: Parivritta Parsvakonasana/Revolved Side Angle Pose. Move into pose from Vira I, R leg forward, knee bent, thigh parallel to floor. Exhale to rotate trunk into R thigh, bringing L arm (armpit) to outside of R knee, placing L hand on floor by R foot, or on a block. Take another breath, extending R arm overhead by ear. Maintain strong, extended back leg. Continue to deepen twist through the breath by extending on inhale, twisting deeper on exhale. Health Notes: Because abdominals are contracted, digestion is improved, as more blood… Read more »
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