Missing Messes

When someone we love leaves, it’s their mess, the originality of their marvelous salmagundi that we miss. You don’t long after excellence, or do you? I find myself missing the quirky, mis-shapen oddness, that funny, off-centered way they had of arriving, then departing, their bizarre sounds, that pitch perfect flaw, announcing they were within earshot.

Many of us spend hours of effort toward a text book turn-out in order to fit in, climb the ladder, and be as close to perfect as possible. To come from another perspective is dangerous. Messes reveal us. They speak of an innate, intimate piece of who we really are. They express the opposite of the ideal facade, overcome in a moment of letting go. Those who bear witness when we are a mess know something deep and true about us,

It is one of the great reasons we love our pets, perhaps our children, certainly great friends. Not only do they silently witness our abandoned moments without judgment, (until they become teens) but they are a mess, forcing us in to letting go of unimportant chich in order to love. And love we do, without preconceives, judgment, expectation, or hope of clean floors and clothes…lucky, lucky us.

Asana: Viranchyasana/Seated lLg-Wrap Pose. (Viranchi is one of the names of Brahma, the first deity of the Hindu Trinity who created the world.)* *(B.K.S. Iyengar.) When you accomplish this pose, you too can create the world.
This pose is a mess of arms & legs, and accomplishing it will make all your friends laugh.
Sit with legs extended, bending R knee, place foot close to groin, or reverse it, placing foot beside L hip. grab L leg and pull it up over the head and around the back of the neck. (See what I mean?) Keep back upright once leg is in place. Bring the arms, with L arm up, under the L leg, with R arm reaching back, over and behind L leg, into Gomukasana arms, Sit proud to be such a beautiful mess,

Health Notes: This pose makes for strong backs, extremely expanded groin muscles, hamstrings, and shoulder girdles. It aids in digestion as abdominals are strongly contracted to hold pose upright.

Astrology Notes: The Sun moved into Leo on July 22, offering all who wish, greater heart. Of great heart, Leo tends toward boldness, generosity of spirit, and child like joy. The Leo constellation is similar, bright, bold, easily seen, especially by its mane, as are many Leo’s, either through masses of hair or no hair. You notice ‘the mane.’ In its constellation, its head is found under the ladle of the Big Dipper.

Ayurveda Notes: The Sun, Leo’s ruler, lives in the heart chakra, the Anahata, the center chakra connecting the three below and three above. In order to open the chakras for the Kundalini energy to move up and through the body, the heart must first open. Without that, ego rules.

Filed under: POV



You continue to amaze me with your writings! How you “hit home” with the experiences in my life is amazing, but then maybe we as humans are all more alike than we think no matter what road we may walk in this life.

Reading “Missing Messes” brought me to tears last night. It evoked so many happenings in my life.


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