Remarkable Love/First of a three part Valentine

If I have any chance at all in becoming remarkable, it is through and by the people who love me.  I grow from the gift of their generosity, their open-eyed non-judgment, and their ability to see inner lopsidedness and move beyond it.  They may not always like my behavior.  I do not desire or expect them to, but they do and will stand fast, allowing me to explore, fail, grow, and love.

This remarkable love sees me as I would wish to be viewed, perhaps as they hope I will see them.  Together we grow toward some strange unconditional loving, and love of self through the other.  We become each other’s pets, warm animals, there when we need them, without judgment, barking when we get out of hand.

Present society tells us we must be remarkable to be seen, to be heard, to have any presence.  It says things like, “We are only excellent.  Are you excellent?”  How can I possibly answer that other than by, “No.”  Hopefully I will laugh, but a voice inside niggles, “why aren’t you excellent?  Why aren’t you somebody?” These days, everybody is somebody.

It is a tough and true friend/lover/mate who loves you when ain’t an excellent somebody, and your run of the mill-ness often runs to mule-ishness. I so appreciate being loved in spite of myself. It makes me possible. It makes life excellent.

Pose With Seasonal Notes

Asana: Uttana Shishosana/Extended Puppy Pose.  Come to hands and knees, as in Cat-Cow.  On exhale, pull hips up and back toward heels, toes flat, fingers extending, extend until forehead comes to floor between arms.  Make puppy noises of contentment if it increases your pleasure of relaxation.

Health Notes: This is a good beginning warm up, and- or closer.  It gently stretches spine, upper back, and shoulders. It opens the heart meridian.  (This runs from tip of baby finger up the inner line of the arm, across to center of chest, and down to belly button.) It feels good, like Child’s Pose and Happy Baby; simple, sensory, and stretchable. When feeling un-lovable, or un-loving, come here, nurture your heart.

Astrology Notes: Aquarius stands in polarity to Leo, sign of the heart.  Aquarius is an air sign, Leo, is fire.  Aquarian key words are, “I know.”  Leo says, “I will.”  Both are fixed and tend to have confidence, dislike restraint, and enjoy being noticed.  Aquarians are built for friendships, Leo’s for lovers.  When this polarity meets, accepting and using each other’s gifts, it is a most excellent partnering.

Ayurvedic Notes: The heavy, slow, cold, liquid and dense attributes of  Kapha energy become easily unbalanced in winter’s cold.  It’s important to keep a vigorous Practice, with lots of forward and backward bends of opening the chest to combat Kapha lethargy. Eat lighter, try to avoid lots of dairy, and sugar which depresses the system.


Jennifer Cooper

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder…Why is it the Beauty and the Beholder are so rarely one and the same? If only we could behold ourselves as those who love us do? Why is it so hard to give the compassion, love and gratitude we give to others to ourselves? How can we continue to give without filling our own well? By finding a soulmate…a human mirror…one who sees our beauty and our failings…and loves us all the same….and then we do so in return…xo


Perhaps that very difficulty is the journey? That when the struggle to accomplish acceptance of being beautiful/acomplished…even excellent in our own eyes, we no longer need strive with the outer world, we are no longer beholden to another beholding us, rather we hold ourselves and the mirror sighs in relief. Perhaps we need both? It’s so mysterious, is it not? Finding the minutiae of balancing it all in every moment…I have to go back to bed.


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