The baby steps are the steps of the mystic. The large, grandiose steps are the ‘I’ of the ego. These I/me steps move into the world to learn of success, or not. The ego I/me is interested in the objective life as self- mirror to its image. As big as we make ego-steps, as wonderful as we think they might be, they are limiting, for they are the steps of the smaller self, not the bad self, but the more diminutive-self, for they seek self-affirmation at every bend of the knee. To come to know the true Self requires many small steps for the journey is light years, beyond the I/m. We need this ego of self, the ahamkara, to relate to the world, Before we can move beyond anything we must be it. We rely on the ego’s structure to support movement in the world, to offer knowledge of the many layers and relationships. The mystic, or spirit self has no boundaries, no structure and this is terrifying to the ego. If we take small steps when entering this territory, the ego is less threatened by inroads of spirit. For the ego to be well it must do. For the mystic to do well it must be. Being requires attentive loving. When the ego loves, it goes outside self seeking love and affirmation. The mystic goes within. This is very much the Yogic journey, for Yoga’s layering offer many means of liberating who we are meant to be, who we already are, and revealing who we are not. Step by small transformational step a Practice can gracefully hold ego and spirit, not denying, or denigrating one for the other, rather holding both to the light so that we begin asking, “Who am I? How do I express a… Read more »
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