Inspirations: Archives

Shape Shifting-part I

With the need for increasing mental, emotional, and physical flexibility to see us to the other side of enormous change, I shall be writing on the helpful and subversive ideas and teachings of four talented Instructors.  This week Aaron Cantor, followed by Daniel Orlansky, Jen Yarrow, and Shiva Rea. Spring opens the body from winter weight.  Eclipse seasons are change-funnels, sometimes like tornados, asking shifts of perspective and path…as in “The barn’s burned down, now I can see the Moon.” (Eclipses impel, or cut us off, often occurring in the unsettled seasons of spring and fall. Lucky us, we have three eclipses coming: June I, June 15, and July 1.)  Massive shifts are due not only to spring, or Eclipses, but to prominent planetary energies making these fast and furious years ones of transformation. Think late 60’s.  Bodies and minds are layered with pre-emptive strikes to be different, be better, or die.  Relationships, particularly, require we surpass old tribal connection and expectation, especially relationships with Gaia.  We are in the cauldron of learning to share heartfelt fire and recourses in profoundly meaningful ways. The question is, how do we shape-shift to meet many layered obligations AND hold on to who we are, to our core Self?  Can we?  Should we?  As usual, I don’t know, but recently I’ve been given ideas to share, thanks to the serendipitous synchronicity of being with singular teachers. Much of their power comes from their decisions to follow their own voice, to have the courage to create a unique path, to not play it safe.  It also emerges from their talent of combining areas of information and expertise, refining a vision of what works for them. Aaron Cantor began by asking, “If you had a superpower, what would it be?” He then proceeded to embody, and teach… Read more »

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