Standstill Homage, photo by Will Ceurvels
Sol Sistere
It is now
Gaia’s breathless moment,
The standstill hour of homage
To her consort’s shortest night,
When only petals,
Burnt by his heat,
Fall, disturbing stillness.
Sol’s perfecting creates
Four quadrants, four teachers, four gifts
Before turning toward
Winter’s underworld descent
Before falling from bright Grace
Before death’s introspection.
T.S. was right, “Here the dance is,”
Here, long sought materia magicke
Formed only for Sol Sistere’s point of no return.
To honor the magicke of the Summer Equinox/Stand Still night, there is a Tuesday evening class, at 7:00 PM, June 21, at the Caryl School gym in Dover center, Centre st. & Springdale Ave. (Park in back by turning in on Whiting rd., by the Dover grocery –just before the light).
We celebrate the Solstice with ritual, rich Asanas, ShaktiYogaDance, chant, Pranayama, and ALL spirits willing to become shape shifters. Come, connect to the earth, her place in the heavens, and our place here on earth. It is indeed a night when mystical doors open for us all to walk through. Friends of friends, strangers and strange-ones all invited to share in creating this alchemical moment.