If “the goal of the journey is to discover yourself as consciousness,” as Joseph Campbell said, then what revelations did this summer’s wing-ding of an Astrological force-field bring you? These past months of inner heightened intensity and emotional landmines, seen via the outer picture through ‘The Arab Spring, the Japanese tsunami and nuclear spill, the Syrian revolt, and the downfall of Khadafi, to enumerate a few, bring most bodies to new doorways. Were you engulfed? Or were you one of the more fortunate to be merely drop-kicked out the back door? You may have see yourself changing via another, perhaps your teenager who stood with a raised fist, wrapped in a black glove? Is there a new voice within declaring greater freedom, more power over self? I’m asking because we have a few months of respite to reorganize ourselves before the next big planetary hurricane returns in the spring of 2012. This fall and winter give us time to clean up what we could not finish over the summer. The same issues, perhaps in a different form, will be back, with the planetary repetition, and the ‘perfection of the Pluto-Uranus square.’ What have we learned? What needs loving repair? What is the depth of the wound? How do we heal Self, and other? Clearing the old emotional detritus from the door of consciousness offers an unbelievably powerful appointment with our Dharma. Our inner Arab Spring has greater chance of a long term Democratic shift if we prepare for the uprising by giving Spirit greater say, ego less. If we can spend time on the childhood wounds, and see them as symbolic, then chances are we begin to understand them and recognize them as they come up over and over, in different forms. What is the metaphor for the discomfort? How… Read more »
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