Inspirations: Archives

Honoring The Dark Gods

I remain in awe of my mind.  Would that it were for its brilliance.  No, I remain fascinated, because despite living in it lo these many years, it remains a mystery.  I have little understanding of how it really works.  What is this mind stuff? It powers the Universe. If I could consciously access the energy of my thoughts, particularly the dark ones, I might have the wattage of a power plant. The mind is a god to honor.  If I paid attention, without judgment, I might bring heaven to earth, or perceive earth as heaven.  If I honored the gods/goddess of the emotional mind, that engine ruling every thought, could I come to greater understanding?  Does the gut rule the brain, (Huna thoughts)or is the mind in my gut? From all we are discovering, it is probably a two way street.  Would I face anxious, fear-filled thoughts with greater equanimity if I moved toward, not away from? Learning to embrace and honor the alchemical substance of my Dark Gods? In doing so, accepting my true nature. When caught in webs of thought, which seem real, I miss out on their substance, their vibrant energy.  This dance of energies is often submerged under a plot line, or story -board I assume to be true.  Often, the worse I feel, the more I believe it to be true. Wise ones go to meditation of their own accord. Others of us are dragged by their Dark Gods, kicking and screaming.  Think of the energy available if I could embrace perceived failures, stupidity, carelessness, or regret. I would magically open to the vast unknown, misunderstood Self.  In this alchemical-sitting, learning to allow moods and mayhem not to rule, I’d learn of and from my dark gods. I would bow and thank them for their gifts of transformation. … Read more »

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