What do I want in this coming year? Who shall I become? How shall I pass through the eye of this needle? How do I face the storms of my fear? What magic elixir is at hand to help? The Year of 2014 opens with a New Moon in Capricorn. It is not the only Capricorn energy in the sky, Venus retrograde, and Pluto also visit this Saturn ruled sign. Capricorn is about mastery and value. A wizard is one who has mastery over Self, and values the many gifts of that self. A wizard also claims mastery of time and space. Wizard’s understands the alchemy of turning dross to gold. Their real genius lies in understanding the alchemical components in fear, hatred, jealousy, shame, and ignorance and accepting them. There is no turning a blind eye, or judging the darkness, rather-in the embrace and acceptance of what is, they transmute dross to gold. Their gold is that of freedom, love, fulfillment, kindness, and joy. If we are to learn about becoming a wizard, it’s good to begin with the best. The most famous is Merlin, of Camelot. His home was a crystal cave. His top student, Arthur- became king. Their pivotal journey of transformation was called a quest, and the end of the quest was the discovery of the Holy Grail. For their story to have meaning, view it symbolically. Merlin embodies inner wisdom, true for women as well as men. The crystal cave is the chrysalis home, the heart, which holds the mysteries of enlightenment. The young Arthur is the un-tutored self, the daring fool willing to risk, hoping to find the gold of the Holy Grail. The quest is a life journey, and the Holy Grail is the spiritual, imaginative, Soul-Self. If the planets are offering support… Read more »
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