Inspirations: Archives

A Divining GPS

Pulled inexorably into life, we cry and yearn for the womb.  Yanked unceremoniously into death, we hunger for life.  Between these two polarities lies the DNA of every subsequent face-off.  In the first polarities of inhaling and exhaling lies opportunity for renewal, vision, and reconciliation of opposites.  You’d think by now we might have learned to not struggle with polarity.  You hope that at this stage we would have enough angelic and human intuition for a divining GPS that embodies the light of who we are, what we need, and how we are to navigate. A ‘job description’ for taking an earthly incarnation could be: Synthesizing, assimilating, and digesting polarities.  We are no sooner done with one than embroiled in the next.  They now line up like planes waiting for take off at LAX.  This incessant struggle makes the breath shorter and smaller.  Perhaps if we re-trained the breathing, along with re-balancing the physical with the mental, and the emotion with the intellect, we’d have a stronger center, better at coalescing the mountain of incompatibilities. Even the large picture, the uber-issues that we feel don’t come under our personal jurisdiction, such as the weather, illness, and big business.  Even those could shift and grow less contrary if we addressed the polarities that have made them un-manageable and over-large.  The ancient Huna of Hawaii had the power to control weather until they lost it due to love of power.  It might now be our task to learn from them and take that power to love, creating ways and means of reconciling from center. Polarities are hard to give up because not only are we used to them, not only are they part of every diet, like refined sugar, but they are often much loved.  Polarities create chaos, and drama, grabbing limelight… Read more »

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