One Word~Peace

Today, I write of peace because Monday, Sept. 21, is the International Day of Peace. In August, I wrote of 108 words for love, Sanskrit style. In English, peace, like love, has only one word for its multiple energies and forms. The English-speaking world, despite its enormous vocabulary, seems almost mute when uttering profoundly important elements or energies. If our language was as old as Sanskrit, perhaps we would have 108 ways and means to access peace, within and without. Socrates asked, “If you don’t have a word to describe something, then how can you think about it?”

Fall is a good time to think about and celebrate a day of peace, for like spring, it’s filled with change, disruption, and the chaos of seasonal beginnings and endings. What are we honoring when we set aside time for peace? Just what are we asking? What blocks us from having it? How can we create it? How do we grow receptive to that soulful energy and embody its archetype within?

What peace means for you, and what it means for me are two different things. But however you describe it and wish for it~this week is a good time to consider what blocks having it, for it is Ganesh Chaturthi, the birthday of Lord Ganesha, the much loved Indian god, known by 108 names-by the way, who has the power to clear whatever holds us back. Ganesh showers life with abundance. And peace is a rare form of abundance.

Last week’s Breath on prana, and the practice of creating it have the same requirements in calling peace: Set intention. Breathe it in. Make space for it. Hold it as precious. Life is blocked and lacks legitimacy without it. We move without Grace without peace, for like love, it is glue allowing all else to grow and flourish. Chaos breeds fear and anxiety, pushing away any hopes of nurturing growth. Perhaps the gift of chaos and destruction is it pushes us toward more soulful connection, and off-sets pervasive fragmentation. Peace heals. On Mon. 9/21, let us deliberately cultivate deeper connections to an inner filled radiance, honoring peace possibilities by loving ourselves, and the stranger on the street.





P. S. to Chris Richards comment of marrying the art of Astrology to the individual; This is this is one of the great gifts of connecting to the heavenly spheres. We are given objective information of upcoming energies which then offers us opportunity to not only see where and how we might choose, but profoundly informs us of inner patterns, or operating mechanisms. Life deepens and links to a more luminous comprehension.

chris richards

I appreciate the way Sam marries the science with the art of astrology. Her readings bring to light all the possibilities while all the while giving the individual the freedom of choice. Thank you Sam!


Chris, love your response to my work, especially from your scientific and socially-expansive brain. Thank you for the kudo, means the world!!


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