April 1-8


Great artists do not recreate the past or plan for the future.  They freely trust their immediate expression.”  Julian Barbour

Wisdom Body Notes for April 1- 8 by Samantha Cameron

It is very important that we remember ~we chose to incarnate at this time to be in witness to the death of an old-world order.   Think how grateful you felt not to be on the Francis Scott Key, Baltimore bridge as it went down.  You were ‘in witness’ to its destruction.  Going further back, remember the burning of Notre Dame.  Both these enormous structures might be considered symbols of a past that needs re-constructing and revitalizing.  Our job is to be present so we might be ‘in witness’ to the vast dismantling of what was known, even loved, and now be willing to expand into greater consciousness, swimming toward a new world order.  April holds all the shake/bake and shatter of transformative energies we need to keep our heads just above water as we join the fast-flowing cosmic transmissions of change.

We float between spring Eclipse energies of release, destruction, and surrender, which always offer opportunities to clear out what is old and worn.  The Eclipse on March 25 was in Libra, signature of partnership, alliances, and relationship strategies.  The Full Moon opposition, ruled by both Venus and Mars, asked we look at how and who we are in personal alliances, with Self and others, as well as internationally, country to country.  Clearly, we are in a pre-war era once again.  Mars, the warrior, is all for war and demanding his rights, though moving through Pisces, we are fortunate that he moves as a spiritual warrior.  Venus, also moving through Pisces, is all for love, empathy, and spirit care.  Eclipses provide standstill moments to stop and take stock.  Full Moon Eclipses are opportunities to grow greater awareness to clear out old wounds, and ancient shadow material. They are not about intellectual work. They ask we elevate our intuition to feel into what needs healing, and how we can grow the imagination to become stronger creators.

 We now enter April’s even higher transmissions of challenging change.  ‘Taking stock’ is best done in ‘witness mode.’  Here, we simply observe.  The ego is not present to demand anything beyond what is. The mind needs rest and quiet to support the work of becoming consciously aware of ‘the now.’  Nothing else exists.  I feel this is some of the hardest work we do as it requires ALL of Self, from personality to soul to fully stop in total standstill, just as a Full Eclipse does.  As you know, we are heading toward the second spring Eclipse, April 8.  This is another ‘great American Eclipse’ as it crosses the country from North to South.  It is akin to the last ‘American Eclipse’ in the summer of 2017 that crossed East to West.  Look in the rearview mirror to remember the enormous American political challenging change that came in with that Eclipse.  The same thing will not occur again.  BUT our country is and will undergo another huge shift in its consciousness and behavior in some form.

 I highly recommend taking time this week to think about the transformation you wish for yourself, especially as this April Eclipse is in Aires, the first sign of the zodiac, which is all about ‘ME.’  How do I wish to be a warrior?  Is it spiritual or war-like? How much power do I really have?  Do I understand the difference between power and force? If I don’t it’s a propitious time to read “Power VS Force” by David Hawkins. On the 8th it’s a New Moon Eclipse, at 19 degrees of Aires, signifying new beginnings on so many levels.  As we are in a highly accelerated period of change, don’t wait to take the needed steps to accept you are a sovereign being, and that all of life is sacred.  We each wield far more power/force than we know or choose to accept.  In every moment, we not only can bear witness, listen to our intuition, and choose the high road, but we can visualize healing for those in need throughout the world.  Our imagination holds the force of this ability if we will begin the practice of using it. 

We are now in the midst of a perfect energetic storm of not only Eclipse season, along with high solar activity, and geomagnetic storms that help the body to release and open to higher consciousness, but April 1 Mercury (the mind) begins its first retrograde of 2024.  In fact, this is the first planet to stop and reverse direction this year.  Retrogrades in general slow us down, turn us inward, and ask we review what needs fixing.  April Fool’s Mercury standstill also happens to be in Aires, affording the ability to perceive and process what thought patterns, ideas, and connections need healing shifts.  Mercury moves backward and inward for the coming 20 days, which opens opportunity for greater intuitive focus, and re-vamping whatever keeps us from being the warrior we wish to be.  This backward motion of Mercury keeps it in Aires longer than usual, from March 9 to May 15, encouraging our ‘beginners mind’ to remain curious, observant, and listening.

We have yet another magnificent energy shift in April, which we are building toward now, and will continue to work with for weeks after.  This is the embrace on April 20 of Jupiter and Uranus.  I shall write more about this next, but for now know that the conjunction of these two large planetary forces in Taurus will not only elevate the mind, and open us to greater unseen possibilities, but because it’s in Taurus, will work the transmission of power into the body, the earth, our capacity to love, as well as honor self-worth and value.  We have such a quantity of ‘trans‘ words processing our energy field at this time that I looked up the root of ‘trans’ which means ‘across.’  The Astrologer Stephanie Austin wrote about this as well.  “In Arabic, the word for transformation (taqallub) and the word for heart (galb) come from the same root.” https://mail.ecoastrology.com/forecast.html. We can become transcendent.  We are strong enough to transition.  We are open to greater transmissions, especially with Pluto in Aquarius for the next 20 years.  Onward!

Yes, these big energetic shifts are often difficult to manage.  Yes, they make us feel more tired, and distracted.  Yes, they can confound and confuse what we think we know.  BUT they offer extraordinary opportunities to shift our perspective, raise our vibration, and imagination to visualize and send peace to where it is needed.  It is a big moment in time to show up for Self, for those we love, and for a world of strangers who might be friends.  One of the best ways to know self is to see ‘me’ in relation to ‘you’.  As we give others grace to be just who they are, even when we don’t like it, especially when we don’t like it, we learn who we are.  We see how we might change to accommodate, or possibly walk away from what or who no longer serves our higher good.  We can care about them in some way, even when we disagree. there is no going back to the old world, to what was known and depended upon. Perhaps we have all this warrior Aires energy to learn how to rely on self, and use that expanded-Self in new and stronger ways?  There is no way back, only forward. Decide what to wear, the music for your new dance, the loved ones you choose as forever side-kicks, what you wish to create, who and what you will support, and of course, your intentions, attitude, and generosity of spirit.

Thank you for reading and sharing my blog, and special gratitude to clients who support my work, inspiring my writing as well as my life. Samantha  💖


Making plans to move forward?  Confused by the unknown? If you wish to know how you are affected by planetary energies, and understand better ways to partner Self and others, contact Samantha for a deep-diving Astrological consultation into your life:  samcatcam@gmail.com, or text 508-505-7700.  Astrological Information~ https://dailybreathjournal.com/astro/astrology/

Information about my teaching and consulting style, focus, and background: https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/interview-samantha-cameron/  


Weekly Yoga & Pilates classes are offered hybrid: in person & via Zoom.  For information contact- samcatcam@gmail.com

BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK:  Of course, you are in transformational mode.  You are growing more creative, and raising your vibration to dance yourself into this new cycle around the Sun. Feel the Aires fire of enthusiasm, and leadership in your stronger relationship with Self.  Then this is quite a year for you as you come into a profound partnership with Self, with soul-speak as well as body-speak.  Visualize yourself as a mushroom in the woods, soaking up nutrients and magical know-how for healing. Cut away the dross. Keep the gold.

DAILY PRACTICES“Before enlightenment: Chop wood.  Carry water.  After enlightenment:  Chop wood.  Carry water.”    Zen wisdom

*Listen to your emotional body as it is as wise a guide as the brain.  integrate them and grow ever wiser.

*Make daily time to stop and listen to your intuition.

* Become an Aires warrior for peace.

*Learn to be present in witness mode.

*Pay attention to details in order to process and utilize the creatively spiritual waters of Pisces.

*Accept your transformative Self and listen to it guide you onward.

*Don’t let distractions pull you off course.

*Navigate wisely between practical and possible. 

*Use your creative process to weave known constructs with unknown futuristic ideas.

*Listen to head and heart to regenerate spirit, as well as friendships.

*Discover new ways to walk your talk, especially your loving spiritual talk.

*Take daily time to bring higher level awareness into the quotidian/daily do.

*As a mad mix of cosmos & earth, turn to potential possibilities of being energetically illuminated by higher good, higher vibration, elevated imagination.  Mostly, by silly joy and unexpected adventures


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