May 1-10

MAY  DREAMS HERSELF~Astrological Energies beginning of May

Wisdom Body Notes for May 1-10, by Samantha Cameron

A Taurus New Moon on the 7th calls us into a new cycle, a renewed circle of life for opening dreams and hopes of creativity, prosperity, and a joyful use of our bodies.  The ‘Fires of Bel’ on MayDay offered the powerful feminine energies of Beltane, the ancient Gaelic celebration of the Goddess, when the feminine was honored, marking the beginning of summer and its flowering, firefly abundance.  Considered a time of rebirth when we opened to new songs and danced away from the old, this is a sweet time of reconsideration and planning new seeds. This year especially, after April’s spasmodic clean-out and re-boot!
It is a wonderful time to dance!  And it is never too late to join the dance!  Come lift your spirits, your body and heart and come dance with me in “Beltane Birth.” As you move deeply and simply, release old tension, and feel highlighted healing energies embedded from the ‘American Eclipse’ of 4/8, the wide open Meta-Mind energies of the Jupiter/Uranus meeting of 4/20, plus transformational Pluto and his emotional life charge, as he is presently very strong stationing to move inward and backward at 2nd degree of Aquarius.  His potency activates energies for the remainder of spring.  You could say that he is the underwater pulse of human evolution.  We transform or we die.  We transform to die.  We are born to transform-Pluto Style.
Now that Mercury is in forward motion, we can make more sense of what April’s surge and splurge of wild shifts were about?  May’s fortune is her settled, more peaceful follow-up to April’s Wild West. As we move toward the Taurus New Moon, ruled by Venus and her glories of love, abundance, beauty and value, we have another healing opportunity as once again the New Moon Birth embraces Chiron. From rebirth to rebirth, this spring offers opportunity for healing old childhood wounding, and address shadow material that holds us back, keeping us fearful.   Thankfully, this lunation is less fraught than the extravagant demands of April’s Eclipsed New Moon, and with the strong Venus presence we are more apt to take a loving approach rather than a shameful disregard of the old scary stories the psyche holds onto.
Another potency of this New Moon is its closeness to the positivity and grace offered by the Jupiter/Uranus embrace.  They are only three degrees apart, so expect their expansive ideas and fountain of possibility to flower in new ways.  Pay attention to surprises, unexpected windfalls, and synchronicities.  Yet another potent surge is Mars entering his fiery home sign of Aires, aspecting Pluto as he shake, rattles and rolls in full stop.  These two are the great power-brokers of the Cosmos!  Pay attention to your action, anger, and drive.  A great deal of energy is unleashed during the beginning of this month, which is another wise reason it’s best to dance and use the excitement to enliven the body rather than unleash anger.
As always, spend time this week planning the rebirth of energies you wish from the New Moon.  Consider changing out your ‘style’ to accommodate all the new ideas formulating out of last month, and of course- go plant something beautiful!  Care for the earth as you care for your body.  It’s what Taurus most appreciates!

Thank you for reading and sharing my blog, and special gratitude to clients who support my work, inspiring my writing as well as my life. Samantha  💖
Making plans to move forward?  Confused by the unknown? If you wish to know how you are affected by planetary energies, and understand better ways to partner Self and others, contact Samantha for a deep-diving Astrological consultation into your life:, or text 508-505-7700.  Astrological Information~
Information about my teaching and consulting style, focus, and background: 

Weekly Yoga & Pilates classes are offered hybrid: in person & via Zoom.  For information contact-  I will be out of town until Cinco de Mayo, so there will be no classes.  Go to my youtube channel and take a class.
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK:  Your job this year is to become a power broker. Of course, you are in transformational mode as your birthday opens out from Eclipse, and Jupiter/Uranus cosmic blasts.  You are growing more creative, as you raise your vibration to dance into a new cycle around the Sun. Feel your Venus-ruled Taurus-Self move into the body’s enthusiasm.  Claim your leadership role with a stronger relationship with Self.  This is an amazing year for you to understand value; learn to soul-speak AND body-speak. 


A virtual Summer session(s) of Shakti Yoga Dance Training

 YOU ARE JOYOUSLY INVITED TO “BECOMING YOU!” Come! Dive deep into the heart-essence of Shakti, Goddess of love who empowers healing,  expands awareness, and offers mastery of the mat through new perspectives.  We grow creatively from the layered integration of Yoga, song, dance, mudra, chakra, poetry, pranayama, and Shakti Goddesses.  The Wisdom Body is elevated dance by dance, offering a magical submersion into our passion, power, and potential.  As we virtually dance together we transform, creating greater awareness of ‘Emotional Intelligence.  We learn to incorporate psychological energies embodied within Shakti Goddesses, and we hear our own spiritual song expressed. The most fun? Becoming part of a joyous, loving community, despite miles and time zones.  
*Sessions are taught 9:00 AM-1 PM Sunday mornings ET~ therefore European afternoons.

 * Fee  $375/351 E.  OR ~You may take one- two single 3.5 hour Sunday Sessions for pure joy. Fee for 3.5 hours – $50/47 E     
 *YA certified. Earn 25 CEU virtual hours of credit. If you miss a class, make-ups are offered   *A manual is created by you from homework and original choreographies. You also receive videos of each dance, with notes of its multiple layering                                                         
*Trainings are highly physical, with a spiritual chaser, offering alchemical discoveries from the meditation within the dances.
*For questions and sign up ~contact Samantha at: Check out dances and more information   

*All sessions taught by Shakti Yoga Dance creator, Samantha Cameron, E-RYT-500, MA Master of dance and choreography, UCLA. professional Astrologer.  For information about Samantha’s teaching read MysticMag:


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