Master Teachers
I took a master class from Natasha Rizopoulos this past week and have been nudged toward small changes and deeper refinements. One thing she said continues to reverberate. “Bring intelligence to the dull parts of your body.” It reminds me of something the French poet Paul Valery once said, “The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.” Do you find these statements dissimilar? Are you sleepy? Many of us are asleep half the time. We move through Asanas, even life, in a daze only semi- aware of the endless refinement profound change requires. Pushing our inert spirits from the gross to the infinitesimal transforms dreams to reality, conquers difficult Asana, and difficult decisions. Learning from Natasha is a reality course in Virgo technique, for “Virgo seeks self through what they learn.”* As a teacher, she embodies what is best of this Mercury ruled energy. Her requests for re-discovery and reassessment between sensation and discomfort, between what the body imitates, and what it is actually doing, charge students to fully awaken, to bring not only intelligence, but care, to the dull, unreceptive areas in the body. One must be fully awake to make choices between disparagement and discrimination, between potency and assimilation. This is Mercury’s domain, for it rules the ideas behind words, the choice of words, and their execution. The higher initiative of Virgo’s diligence is ingenuity in service so that the harvest prosper. Each choice must be correct, if not perfect, to create vision through practical reality. We learn as much from how someone instructs as from the teachings themselves. We know the body responds to loving attention, not criticism. We learn that careful observation is a powerful tool. Becoming a student again, with a wonderful teacher, is the best reminder of how we……
Beasts of the Past
The great Sufi master, Hafiz, wrote: “The warriors tame The beasts in their past So that the night’s hoofs Can no longer break the jeweled vision In the heart.” Not only do I wish I’d written this, but my deeper wish is to be as Hafiz’ warrior…released of the beasts of my past; un-tethered to regret, shame, sorrow, or whatever repeated rhythm the dark hoofs beat. It is easier to hear what keeps someone else from their ‘jeweled vision,’ from fully engaging a present moment, than it is to see one’s own rutted, well trod loop of ancient story: There is the wounding, “You always hated me, this just proves it!” The injustice, “It’s so unfair. He always got what I wanted. Now he’s getting it all.” The mantras of inadequacy, “I can’t believe I did that. I’m so stupid.” And always martyrdom. “No you go, I’ll stay home and wash the floors.” What unbelievable silliness keeps us from present joy. What relentless unconscious garbage prevents us from fully embracing a warrior-self. We all do it. Some of us just do it less than others. Those are… “The intelligent and the brave Open every closet in the future and evict All the mind’s ghosts who have the bad habit Of barfing everywhere.” Indeed it is the ‘intelligent and the brave’ who are willing to stop the madness of the subconscious patterning of past muck-music. It is not necessarily the intelligence of the mind so much as the heart that is required to shape the muscle of great kindness. It is a brave soul who turns and faces the ‘mind’s ghosts’ of bad habits, stops beating themselves up, then moves on, stronger, and more resilient to create ‘jeweled visions’ from their broken heart, broken bones, broken dreams. Asana/Pose: One of the……
What We Can’t Know Calls Us
The Sea, in sonorous mantras of surf Repeating its curl and heave, curl and heave Slushes gold along tide lines, Strafed in sand dollars. Flatulent smells of warm seaweed, Wet, then dry, and wet again, Surprise the nose as winds shift, Strands drag silky against skin, Sensuous and creepy, Octopus legs wrapping ankles. Botticelli’s Venus stood thus Waiting on wind and tide to give birth. Her placenta holding the sea We seek again in this parched time, Doing time, wanting to be born anew. A wave’s jade curtain rises, washes over, Foam rises around thighs and belly As the sea calls me hers again.
Solstice Dream Weavers
Being an Astrologer, I am fascinated by questions of fate. I am engaged and delighted by an endlessly revolving relationship to the cosmos, especially to the Sun, giver of life. Weaving and un-raveling around those relationships reveals that God is, indeed, in the details. During the days of the Summer Solstice, as earth ‘stands still,’ the longest day in the northern hemisphere, we are invited to cross un-seen thresholds, to stop, re-assess, and intuit the divine. When day moves on forever into night, ask, “How can I call the numinous to live within, for surely it is the matrix of mid-summer’s eve?” The four seasonal cross roads, or quadrants of Equinox and Solstice, are moments when ancient bones are more aware of time-traveling. June 21st is not only a moment to celebrate earth’s relationship to the sun, but to call up old imprints of sacrifice, fire, and ritual, memories when we groveled at the feet of Gods for good weather, strong crops and profitable animal husbandry. Old bones remember when we knocked at the door of fate, begging tender mercies. We remained dependant upon ‘fate’ for centuries, no eons, and those memories die hard. Perhaps as moderns, we remain more dependant upon fate than we wish, simply having small desire to admit we are not in charge? This week of the Summer Solstice, I am reviewing not only earth’s relationship to Sol, but mine to earth, and to the celestial bodies with their electro-magnetic influence over earth. I am ‘standing still’ to contemplate my part in the cosmos, if indeed I have a part….How far does that influence reach? Is my light dependant upon the sun? How much? What is the level of my control, or do I need to make sacrifice and beg mercy of the Gods for my……
Still Dancing/More Rhythms
For those of you who read last week’s ‘Breath’ you know this is a continuation of that discussion of seasonal elements… another layer in our ability to discern energy. Summer Rhythm As in nature, summer energies are ones of fulfillment, rising heat/fire and maturing. Like the Astrologic Leo, Summer People, when coming from their strengths, are exciting, moving from the heart, from their radiance of creativity and joy. Like the Ayruvedic Pitta Dosha, when in balance, they embody a fiery radiance to make things happen, eliciting co-operating from right use of their charisma and unique charm. Who doesn’t love someone leading with the heart? They are magical magicians, whose believe in self helps the rest of us believe in ourselves against all odds. When out of balance, Summer bodies, like Pitta constitutions, can become frenzied with too much activity, exhausting themselves in over-commitment. They can be so connected to the bright/happy side of life that they are unable to see the dark, or deal with depression. They can also become chaos, or hysteria-junkies, living for the highs until burned out. Learning to discern the fine line between joyous wide-eyed optimism and reality, between commitment and over-drive, or creativity and chaos, is the primary work of Summer People and of this season. Solstice/Equinox Rhythm These bodies are similar to the Ayurvedic Vata Dosha in that they deal with the instability of transitions. In order to handle the sway and movement of constant change, they are earth energy. The polarity in each solstice and equinox provides these people with their primary task which is to hold a steady balance in order to assimilate multiple changes. In this they are similar to the air sign, Libra, in its desire to connect and support others, offering peaceful means of change. Like Libra, when stressed,……
Dancing Our Rhythms
If we are each a replica of the Universe, then the nature of nature is our nature. The rhythms vibrating the seasons are simply another layer of energy analogous to the rhythms dancing our mind/body. The ancient Chinese, Indian ( east & west), and the Astrologic healing modalities all pay homage to sharing the basic elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, air, and sometimes ether. Each season has a particular rhythm section, which vary depending on the teachings, but all concur that when we are aware of particular energies vibrating a season, its vulnerabilities and strengths, we have more power to adjust our rhythms within that framework, and mine available health and healing. The following information is culled from Donna Eden’s fascinating book, “Energy Medicine,” where she interweaves her vast, eclectic knowledge of healing with the Chinese elements. She feels that, “the five rhythms approach, grounded in each person’s core bio-energies,” reveals their challenges, personality, health, even their spiritual journey. Winter Rhythm: No surprise that winter’s rhythm is the seed pod, the embodiment of our potential. Bodies that vibrate in a winter rhythm have a start-up enthusiasm, especially when they feel safe. There is a child like wonder at the newness of life, and when they trust their gut, like a new moon child, life runs more smoothly. Their strengths are envisioning and spontaneity, again the gifts of the Astrologic new moon baby. Because there is little heat from a winter sun, their energy is not suited for the long haul. They need to retreat to regenerate in order to plan the next phase. Their powers lie in having the courage to begin, in overcoming fears, and letting down their guard. As with all systems, the weaknesses hold the polarity of possible strengths. In Astrology, Chiron, the wounded healer, embodies……