Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana

Two Footed Inversion Pose

Asana/Pose: Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana .  This looks like a graceful bridge or arc, as though the feet lowered out and away to the floor from Salamba Sirsasana/ headstand.  Begin flat on back, placing palms under shoulders, fingers pointing to feet. Bring feet near hips, knees parallel.  Exhale, straighten legs, and bear weight on the hands, neck and head.  Place L hand behind head, forearm on floor. Slowly do same with R hand, interlocking fingers behind head.  Lift pelvis as high as possible, stretching legs from hips to feet, pressing heels into floor. Breathe deeply.  When releasing, bring feet closer to head, bend knees, release fingers to raise head off the floor, and lower trunk.  You can begin working on this pose by placing feet against a wall, instead of floor, and ask someone to hold your elbows parallel and up in place.  Clearly you do not want to do this pose if you have neck issues.

Health Notes: This may not be a pose for your mother, but it is a mother of a pose, requiring great flexibility in the spine, and strength in the neck. It clearly expands chest and lungs, and like Sirsasana, and a good mother, it calms mind and emotions, capable of changing a P.O.V.


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