Paschimottanasana/Seated Forward Fold

This simple pose offers several layers of healing.  1. As a basic stretch, it lengthens hamstrings, and spine. 2. As a restorative pose, it allows the body to ground down and release toward earth, softening ego so it does not push too far too fast.  3. Done with a partner, it adds connection and joy in supporting one another.

Begin pose in Dandasana~Staff Pose, sitting tall, with legs parallel.  Lengthen spine forward, gently walking hands out, or you can place a strap behind the feet and slowly pull the torso forward. ( Keep elbows open out to the side so the lungs fully operate.) If hamstrings are tight, bend the knees, strap around feet, then very slowly extend legs, bit by bit.

If you overextend hamstring stretches, you run the risk of tears at the hip insertion.  These take a long time healing, so do not let ego run amuck telling you to stretch faster/longer.  Tortoise wins this race every time.

As a restorative pose, place folded blanket under the hips, then pull a bolster, with more folded blankets, and or blocks – if needed into groin, between legs.  Extend torso over the supports, resting the forehead on something.  You should feel the sweet support of the bolster under your belly.

As the forehead~Third eye, Anja, 6 chakra rests on its support, feel your intuitive body expanding as it connects earthward.  All supported poses not only nurture the physical body, but allow it to expand, release and open to subtle body layers, inviting spirit to enter the stillness.

If partnering, and if you are very flexible, sit facing one another, soles of feet pressing against each other, reach forward and grab partner’s hands, or wrists,  If this is not yet possible, you can take turns bending your knees and gently pulling the partner toward you.  Keep backs extended and straight.



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