
East Stretching Pose

Asana: PurvottanasanaEast Stretching Pose.  Begin by sitting with legs strongly extended,hands placed under shoulders by hips, fingers pointing toward feet. Press down into hands, lift hips up, legs straight, work to maintain soles of feet down on floor. Take a breath, extend head back. Do not close off back of neck. Remain here for 5-10 breaths, until the heart opens an inch. With the hips fully lifted and head back, this is an inversion, therefore eyes must remain open.

If this is too difficult, bring feet in close to buttocks and push hips up- knees bent, feet under knees, finger face toward feet. You are now in Table Top Pose.

Health Notes: This pose opens heart and lungs, strengthens wrists, ankles and legs, opens the shoulder girdle.  It is a wonderful ‘pause’ in the day to consider who and how we love, where can the heart be opened more fully?  Who can we see differently, with more gentleness, less fear.  The poses are more powerful when we use them as a way in, as well as a way out.


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