Solstice Asana


Solstice Asana: Partnering: Sun and Moon to one another, releasing, trusting, taking turns holding the power for each other. Moon lies on her back, legs up to fit into the hip crease of the sun, who faces her.  Luna places her hands on his chest, and Sol places hands on the floor, either side of her head.  Breathing together, the moon bends her knees and lifts the sun up over her head, where he lies relaxed, trusting, letting legs hang heavy.  When the partnering feels secure, sol can lift the legs up and out, and lift the arms off the floor to open out and fly.  He can also bring his soles of his feet into Baddha Konasana.  When ready to dismount, clasp each other’s hands, with elbow to elbow, and sol bring the feet slowly to the floor.  Change places.  Feel your moments of discomfort in not trusting, and the exhilaration of release that comes when you do and move fully into the duet.

Health Notes: Partnering builds trust, balance, strength, and learning your limits with and by another body.  It can build a profound Practice of trusting another to take you flying safely.


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