Uhitta Trikonasana

Triangle or Wide Angle Pose

There are many ways to enter this seemingly simple pose, but the easiest is to come from Tadasana-stand still, and either step the R leg back, or lightly jump feet about 3-4 feet apart.  The L foot faces front wall, and R foot turns in slightly.  Line up the front L heel with instep of R foot, lifting the thighs, so you can slightly turn L thigh outward.  Line up L knee and ankle, and open arms to side.  Inhale, then on exhale extend L side of torso to L, over L leg, lengthening spine and ribs as you bend from the hips, not the waist.  Try to lengthen both sides equally, keeping  R foot firmly planted, and tailbone down, stretching toward back heel.   Depending on your stretchability, either place L hand on L shin, ankle, or floor-baby toe side.  Keep the arms 180 degrees, so that as you go over, the R arm reaches toward the sky.

You can maintain neck and head in the same, neutral position,  or you can look down at L foot, especially if neck is tight, or you have high blood pressure.  Or turn head to R and look up, which helps in opening the chest.  Do not pull R arm back behind its shoulder alignment.

Health Notes: This is a wonderful lengthening pose that everyone can do, and feel more open, no matter how tight hamstrings or hips.  It tones the legs,  opens chest and shoulders, lengthens spine, and brings space to the organs thus helping with stress, anxiety, and digestion.  If done regularly, it will help with sciatica, symptoms of menopause, and flat feet.


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